I wanna be a Ninja like from Naruto!

Can someone teach me how because that show rules and I want to be cool like the characters from Naruto I want to be just like them so tell me how so I can be cool thx

naruto is the best anime ever but the english version sucks because it has less swearing and blood so don’t judge it by that watch subtitles in Japanese.

ninjas from Naruto are so much cooler than ninjas from real life so I wanna be one from Naruto. I even bought a headband like the ones from the show and I’m wearing it right now.

I am an Anime Master

And the best anime of all time is Naruto and I wanna be a ninja just like him and all the characters.

Welcome to the Bullshido Forums Narutorulz… Make sure you review your dojo and add it to your user control panel so you can get the icon in your user info bar in your posts.

Pulled thread out of the MMA forum and merged with the Newbietown thread.

Take a day off and lose the gimmick.

the ghost of Kikkoman thanks you.

I laughed.

OMG The irony of this statement… considering you have a thread about getting drunk and beating up the elderly.


1/10 obvious troll is obvious

yes I put spam in the spam section. I think youre the “fuckwit” for taking me seriously.

Here’s another serious comment


TWAT!?! SAY WHAT YOU WILL ABOUT ME! But leave The Ware Against Terror out of this thread mister!

I see you fail at taking good advice as well.

Failure on your part all round then.

I bet your mother is very proud of your achievements, like getting out of bed in the morning, taking a dump and dressing yourself unassisted.

Well the velcro shoes help. If you want me to stop posting then why continue to provoke me? God its like prom night all over again.

Provoke you ? ney not at all, I know you’ll not heed my suggestions, so I might as well continue allowing you to make yourself look more retarded :wink:

THANKS! Maybe after a few dozen more posts I will look like Clooney!

Actually with a few more posts you’ll look more like this retard.

Fill your boots mate

I see your name…So I will look like you? I DONT WANNA BE A MIDGET!

You not able to view images there Dozer?

Cos if not you’ve just made a bit of a fool of yourself.