I think I've lost the power in the relationship

Ok, so here’s the deal. Two of my friends just started dating each other. We’ll call them G for the girl and B for the boy. Now, I’ve been friends with both of them for years. I met G on my first day of orientation at college and I’ve known B since I was 14. A month or so ago they met at a party of mine and hit it off.

All through college nothing ever happened between me and G. Sure, there were plenty of times when I thought about it but I was always rational enough to know that we just weren’t compatible enough for it to work out. I think, even though there was mutual attraction, she felt the same way.

Almost 4 years ago I started dating my current girlfriend. I met her through G freshman year and two years later we started dating. I am unbelievably happy and comfortable with my current girlfriend. She however, like most girls, is incredibly insecure. She is actually quite jealous of G and doesn’t believe that nothing ever happened between G and I. She has some fairytale idea of G and I being the perfectly good looking upper middle class white couple (my girlfriend is Filipino and came from a somewhat not well off family).

So here’s the problem. G and B dating made me incredibly jealous. I never felt this way about any of the other guys G dated. But all of a sudden when this started happening I went insane. I hadn’t felt like this since I was with my bi-polar drug addict girlfriend during Freshman and Sophomore year. Everyone noticed how crazy their relationship made me and I was making things all weird for everyone. My girlfriend especially was pissed off because to her this confirmed that I loved G and wanted to be with her instead. I kept telling her that I wasn’t and I couldn’t care less if G got married tomorrow, as long as it wasn’t to B. I had her partially convinced that this was true and she even started to think that maybe it was an Alpha male dominance thing where I thought G was like part of my pack and felt threatened by B coming in and disturbing the natural order of things.

But here’s where I screw up. I call up G and apologize to her for the way I’ve been acting. I tell her that I’m just being stupid and it’s weird for me for some reason that I don’t know of and I won’t stand in their way. This doesn’t make me feel any better though. In fact, I feel worse. So all day I’m going crazy and I do something really stupid. I call her again.

I tell her that maybe I’m jealous. That even though I’m glad nothing ever happened between us because I really value our friendship, sometimes I wish that maybe something did. That I wish we had maybe shared a moment or something. Then I do what is perhaps the dumbest thing I’ve done in years. I ask her if she ever felt the same way. She hesitates for a moment and then says that yeah she was a little jealous when I started dating this one girl. Now maybe I’ve been reading her wrong all these years or maybe she was lying, but I expected more. I mean, she is kind of a flirt but she doesn’t really have many friends that she actually likes as people. And I’ve always kind of felt that she was a little more touchy feely with me than with other people (much to the chagrin to my girlfriend). So anyways, I did almost all of the talking and definitely all of the blabbering. But in the end, I told her that I was sorry again and that I won’t stand in the way of them being together if they really want to be.

I then apologized to B about the whole thing (though G and I promised to keep everything we said to ourselves). I tried to act normal the next couple of days which went ok. Though I still feel weird (it’s been a week since the phone call). I’ve kind of been avoiding talking to the both of them lately and now I’m starting to feel stupid.

I feel like G has a one up on me now. Now I’m just like every other stupid guy that fawned over her. Whereas before I was pretty much indifferent to her, now she thinks that I’ve got this lingering passion for her.

So what do I do? Continue to ignore them or just act like I don’t care again or what?

get drunk and start a fight

Sweep the leg…

Fuckin’A Thread won

We don’t fuckin know, man. We’re a bunch of martial artists who don’t know you personally. Here’s some advice- if any guy here tries to give you advice on your love life, dont listen.

Okay okay, so ignore me here when I say: If you end up sacrificing everything else to date G, you will probably not be happy. Your current girlfriend seems really understanding and sounds like a keeper. How’s that song go, “love the one your with”? The best option is probably to assassinate B, and swoop in for a threesome with G and your girl while they are all hopped up and horny on grief.

hehe Karate Kid.

Bro get away from the situation.

Dude, threesome.


I’ve actually thought of calling G again and yelling at her. But so far, I’ve been rational enough not to.

Yeah, I know this. My current girlfriend is definitely the one for me. G and I could work if we had a few minor things in our personalities fixed to match. But we’re close enough that I can’t help but wonder what if.

Tried. My girlfriend is too jealous and insecure to ever go for something like that. The only hypothetical situation that she has agreed to is her, me, and a clone of myself.

I’ve been trying. The thing is, other than my girlfriend, G and B are the two closest people to me. Before this I would to talk to them like everyday online. I’ve been avoiding them both for several days now and I’m sure it’s beginning to show. I really don’t want to lose either one of them but it really drives me crazy.

The thing that’s really getting to me now is what I said to G. I wish I could take it back now. I feel like she’s won some battle between us and now she’s got bragging rights and will always be able to hold it over me.

Try to get advice from apathetic people…oh, excuse me.

Take your girl and go hang out with B and G. Give your girl a ton of attention while everyone can see. Your girl will be happy cause she gets attention and wont feel so insecure. Girl G will feel like you started to get over her and might even feel jealous, giving you the back upper hand. Boy B will feel like everythings cool now that youre focused back on your girl. Everyone wins. Life goes on.

But you should also drink more too. Thats a catch-all for any relationship.

The reason you still feel akward is that you were only partially honest with her. You’re in love with G but for some reason supressed it because maybe you thought you couldn’t get her or keep her. You go insane when your buddy does because now you’re thinking “Damn, I could’ve and I should’ve”. You love G more than your gf because you refer to her as “this one girl”.

Break up with your current girlfriend.
Tell G you love her.
Get your ass kicked by your friend.

Most probably you will end up alone and friendless but that wierd feeling will be gone.

We don’t know man.
But which of the girls mean more to you? If I were in your shoes I probably couldn’t be dating the current GF and I’d probably have stopped talking to G for a while until I got my head together.

ALong that line, I guess depending on what kind of person you are (i.e. if you are like me and can’t be motivated to do anything except something/one that I really really like) you should run away for a bit (avoid).

Is this the same advice you gave to Kalib Starnes?

/thread win

“This one girl” isn’t my current girlfriend. She was this girl that I deem the biggest mistake of my love life. I dated her in between the frequent break ups with my coked up psycho girlfriend (More of a mistake than a coked up psycho? Yeah, that’s how bad she was.). I told G that she should have saved me from “this one girl”. G said that she didn’t do anything because she thought I really liked “this one girl”. But I don’t know if she actually liked me or was just saying that to make me feel better.

God, who knows? I think I’m really past the regret and just feeling pissed off that I acted like all the other bitches that professed their love to her.

Write a romance novel about this shit. Instant bestseller, for sure.

I chalk this up to a: “Sucks To Be You” moment.

And am glad to not be your friend for all the inevitable fuckery you bring.

This sounds like a good idea on paper. But, A: I don’t know if I could act cool enough to not give away that I still feel weird. and B: I’m not sure it would actually make G feel jealous.

Why does this have to be about winning? These are your friends, man. G is your friend. B is your friend. You’re sounding a little insecure right now. You’re not the same to G as every other guy who drooled over her - you’re not the love of her life, but you’re a better friend than any of these other guys were.

Sure, you just took a brutal bruise to the ego. You’re a big boy. You’ll get over it. Go follow ippon’s advice, and in six months you’ll not even feel an ache. Dwell on this too much and you might do something stupid you’ll regret a lot longer.

And yeah, maybe you need to get your head in the right place. Be kind to yourself for a little bit. Focus on squeezing more enjoyment out of each day. Focus on building up the relationship you’ve got. Find things to do that stop you spending time on overthinking this.