Lived in d-town my whole life, and i still can’t bring myself to root for them.
: /.
Packers have always been my favorite team. I don’t know why.
Fuck you, Favre.
Lived in d-town my whole life, and i still can’t bring myself to root for them.
: /.
Packers have always been my favorite team. I don’t know why.
Fuck you, Favre.
I’m certainly not finished, seriously, if I see another one of these threads I’m going to gang rape the OP with a claw hammer, a toilet plunger, and a 1/3 scale model of the Eiffel tower made of multi-cultural cock.
Do stop sucking. Here’s some tips from the last thread started by a douche that wears eyeliner.
Hi there, I’m conceited. I have an internet connection so I feel as though I am qualified to give advice on this particular discussion. Here’s a few tips:
#1 Come out of the closet, it’s alright. I’m sure your friends and family already know and have accepted your lifestyle.
#2 If you are interested in a woman as a romantic partner. You are being a total fucking douche by leading her to believe you want to be her best friend. Be honest and grow a pair.
#3 It gets easier as you get older, trust me. If it makes you feel any better, those chicks you are talking to are probably as stupid as you are.
#4 Right now, being a dick will work wonders in getting laid. As you get older, not so much unless you intend to make a living off banging morons.
If these aren’t good enough for you, have you ever considered cutting? It’s okay to cry, crying gets the sad out.
Well, i was interested in this girl. Things were going good, then they stopped going. I told her i wasn’t looking for any more friends, and i wasn’t interested in simply being that with her.
So bam, honesty son.
Really though, date Asians. Tight twats too, bud.
what the hell, I’m in a blowhardy mood: the past two years, I’ve spent four weeks around Igor Kurrinoy who is the most accomplished athelete the USSR/Russia has produced in his generation. This is not an exagerration, it is what every fucker in Russia says about him.
In Moscow and here in San Francisco I saw how he showed no excesses, no deviations. We’d leer at some hot chick and he never even looked her way, and- especially in Moscow - there are some hotties.
You could not distract the dude from his work and his study. He is kind of boring in the sense that he doesn’t need to get hammered, kick over the juke box and grab-ass his way to the bar for another round.
Wtf am I talking about? I guess I would tell you, Moose, to have some more single-minded purpose and direction to your life. Unfortunately, a really good blow-job is not that exceptional on the scale of things; but having a purpose to your life is.
How tired was that^rant? Well, fuck you! Stupid little shithead that you are!! Go take a yoga class and learn to suck your own cock and you’ll be happy forever!
Silly Russian. Pussy is a worthy endeavor in life.
If anyone on this forum responds to marcusdbrutus, I will personally hunt them down and end them.
Ohh sweet temptation…
Genghis Khan did it.
reserves a flight to Deutscheland
The dude totally has a point.
COME GET SOME! I live in eastern Canada, and it’s really cold here! Climate advantage!
looks around room
“did conceited say something?”
fumbles around some more
“I guess not…”
looks at his current location, back to serge going to Germany, back to the location field
Oh and I did not go to class here in NYC once (one day) because I was getting some nooky, am I still dedicated though or do I fail completely?
This thread is supposed to be about vag. And how silly Russians are.
moves onto thread about three-sectional staff
Woah, that’s exactly what I did. Weird.
As someone who is also from SE Michigan and happens to be married to an Asian (Korean) woman I feel it my duty to tell not to follow any of this advice. Besides it being misleading and somewhat wrong it also leaves out the part about how Asian women are violent and will smack / punch you at the drop of a hat. Seriously.
All you have to do to meet nice women is drive across the Ambassador Bridge and you’ll be set. If you’re just looking to get laid start hanging out City Club.
I kinda like that though.
I’m sorry David, but now I’m going have to hunt you down and kill you; nothing personal ok?
Do you have an Asian girl that hits you in a way that makes you feel nice too?!