I sellz melaleuca anal bars/plugs... tehe anuspam

Your concern for your body and potential side effects is absolutely understandable - most of the health problems today are associated with obesity. And the majority of products and diets today do have unwelcome side effects. Always use products which are recognized by an authorized company. One which I can suggest you try is the Access Bars from Melaleuca. They have been scientifically proven, and are patented in numerous countries - this should give you peace of mind that they have been well tested. You can find out more at my signature given below: http://www.patented-weight-loss.com/

Montin/Brunis Ban.

Why, Vorpal you’re not suggesting that this is some kind of clever spam attempt, are you?
I mean, the chances of both posters using stupid fonts is practically none, surely?

Quite imaginative way of spamming though.

Personally, if we’re doing puppet shows I prefer Punch and Judy.

Scrubbed off Are there any weight loss products that have no side effects? - No BS Martial Arts

Montin, keep your fucking spam away from the PT forums

Why am I not surprised Vorpal and Sochin sniffed this thread out.

I just follow Bill Duff… I mean Vorpal… around the forums, waiting for the moment he admits to being a former wrestler and pro footballer…

You look like you could be a mini-me Bill Duff.

We’ve never been seen in the same room at the same time. That’s as far as I’ll go.

Just a wall with a hole separating the two of you.

The way the Good Lord intended it to be.

What the? They told me it was Jessica Alba on the other side.


It WAS Jessica Alba.

<on both sides>