Quick update. The two people that the information on their website claims to have gone to arbitration is just a bit in error. For sure, I have been in contact with one of those people and they signed no such thing. Instead, the BFD was told that they would continue to trial and he backed off. As to the others involved, there have been summary judgements entered, but those are not in BFD’s favor, they are simply judgements that state that these people did not respond to him. Now, he has entered paperwork to try and get 300 thousand dollars from each of those persons and that is a whole different matter. One approach has been that folks can’t afford a lawyer, but another on the part of some of those involved is plain and simple,there is no jurisdiction for this entire lawsuit.
Face it, the whole point is to intimidate and bully people who, he believes cannot defend themselves. AS soon as someone stands up to him, he backs off, claims victory and goes on. Without saying to much, if one were to read a list of the characteristics of people who act this way toward others, one might find some insight into the process.
I suspect that his next step will be to go to county court in Tennessee! Or maybe small claims court!