I like to masturbate to stupid ideas while my parents aren't looking.

if anyone knows a good martial arts studio/mma trainer or just wants to spar with me (own equipment needed “gloves ;training dont have to be pro; mouth piece, cup/groin protecter”) contact me at dj_w_f@yahoo.com or go to my myspace (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=222725396) i really would like some martial arts training, but would rather have the teacher come to my house (for extra pay of coarse) and “spar” with me so i dont get martial arts classes put on my record. so more or less im looking for someone with martial arts experience willing to shed some light on me and spar with me. oh and im new to this site but not a complete noob.

Go join a gym.

Also, what is this ‘record’ you are referring to?

Dude, seriously, this is the most retarded thing I’ve seen. You’re too young to be soliciting instruction like this on the internet.

im not too young for anything i put my mind too. all im looking for is a friend to spar with that has martial arts experience and any places you would recommend for me to join

lol and this coming from a guy with a transfromers picture

when you take a class on martial arts or any self defense class it goes on a record. if you get in a public fight police look at your record, based on you fighting exp. (from defense classes of any sort) my lead you to get assult with a deadly weapon because your hands may be considered deadly weapons… but i know i want to go to a gym… thants kind of an obvious one, but do you have any recomendations is basicly what i was asking for.:suicide: :jihad:

You’ve never been to any martial arts classes before have you?

Go join a Gym.

i havent been to any martial arts classes before, that is correct. i dont need a work out or anything just martial arts training, have any places you personally liked?

Welcome to bullshido.

See, each subforum has rules.

This is the description at the top of yhe MMA page you were formerly posting.

Notice you original post:

if anyone knows a good martial arts studio/mma trainer or just wants to spar with me (own equipment needed “gloves ;training dont have to be pro; mouth piece, cup/groin protecter”) contact me at dj_w_f@yahoo.com or go to my myspace (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm...ndid=222725396) i really would like some martial arts training, but would rather have the teacher come to my house (for extra pay of coarse) and “spar” with me so i dont get martial arts classes put on my record. so more or less im looking for someone with martial arts experience willing to shed some light on me and spar with me. oh and im new to this site but not a complete noob.

This is called asking for a teacher which isn’t a MMA discussion or fight discussion.

I did not know this.

This is entirely new information to me.


I am stunned that all martial artists don’t rise up against this nanny-state subjugation of their basic human freedoms.

What draconic military junta imposes this evil on you?

bro, im not limited to this site… i just figured it be a kind or good way too find something that i need

And yeah welcome to BS.


who apparently has records in several countries around the world and is glad that homelandsecurity still lets him in every time

dont be a douche bag bro, he spelled a word wrong. big fucking woop.

I’m just astonished that this Orwellian surveillance and impingement of our collective freedoms is being perpetrated on these, my brothers, and they endure it with nary a mention, or a complaint.

No, they may take my life, but they will never take my freedom to not have my hands registered as a deadly weapon because I took tai chi at the Y for 3 months because the instructor was hot!!!

Do you mind to elaborate on said instructor? :glasses12

It’s true! I worked at the National Overwatch of Records for Martials Arts and Larping ( N.O.R.M.A.L.) back in the early eighties. They would send us undercover into MA gyms all over the country to make sure there were no unreported students being trained. We had to have “the real” because if our cover was blown we would have to fight our way out “hiiiiyaaaahhhhh”.

Pushups for you and your insight in the works of NORMAL.

Mind you, this, for some reason, is still Newbie town, we are not allowed to troll him…

Welcome to Bullshido.

Find yourself an MMA gym. If that’s too expensive or not available, find a boxing gym and a Judo dojo, as they are both extremely cheap (usually) and very common. Pay the fees, train there as much as possible, and learn how to fight. To find places in your local area just use google.

Hands are not considered ‘deadly weapons’, even if you have martial arts training. If you have MA training then a jury may hold you more responsible if you use unnecessary force in a fight/self-defence situation… but not ‘assault with a deadly weapon.’

Show respect to Omega. He is a professional fighter, instructor and highly ranked member of this board. Talking back to such a respected ‘bully’ will not get you very far here.

Martial arts training does not go on a secret government record. If you commit a crime or are involved in a court case regarding assualt/fighting/dim mak, THEN you will be investigated in this manner.

Also - Bullshido regularly runs meetings of trained fighters from this site in cities across the world to spar together. These are known as Throwdowns. If you turn up with the right equipment and the right attitude then you will (probably) be welcomed at one of these events where you can spar with experienced MMA practicioners and recieve expert advice.

Dude, you’re a fucking idiot.