so anshu christa jacobson sent me an facebook message this morning…
after all this time and after being asked by our “mutual teacher” to take the high road, which i did. so now im gonna attempt to reopen ther investigation
I have to remind myself that USED TO BE A MAN !
thats not the issue…but i love how she can threaten me on facebook but everytime i repond or try to comment she flags it…
Who gives a fuck about you on facebook.
Tell “it” to go fuck “it’s self” and stop posting in an investigation thread unless you have something worth contributing.
[quote=thaiboxersp;2422233]so now im gonna attempt to reopen ther investigation[/quote]No, no you are not unless you have something relevant to add.
No, “He-Ra is spamming me” is not a reason to post in an investigation.
Lmao @ this comment to Christa on that link:
never surrender who you are!!!
I did better calligraphy than that in the third grade.
well anshu jacobson sent me a facebook message this morning…
here is the link…
actually there is more to it and when i hiot the post button its cutting it off…let me see if it works on here (it could be my internet )
anyway so after exchanging emails and then going to the shorinjiryu black belt base, i called and left a message for geoprge alexander to see if this person has all the credentials listed on her site…
i will attempt to post again as soon as he calls me back