I have nothing good to say.

Not essential in fact thai clinch isn’t thai at all anyway it comes from si lum kung fu and can be found in traditional arts like wing chun sil lum. headbutts are employed from trapping range so practice from crossing hands or chi sao position.

side kick with blade of foot is good for slipping through openings like between chest and chin to strike the throat or side of neck can be very effective

cupping the back of the enemies neck is common in si lum tradition and muay thai is heavily influenced by si lum arts in 1800s before it was exposed to western pugilism and became a modern sport

NEVER apply this technique with full force in the training environment it can be very destructive! Also a good technique is kicking the knee from the inside direction outwards :wink:

Striking choice

when striking with the hands do you prefer

1, a vertical fist strike with lower three knuckles
2, a horizontal fist strike with index and middle knuckle
3, a single knuckle strike (phoenix eye)
4, a finger tip strike (cranes beak or mantis claw)
5, a palm strike
6, edge of hand strike
7, other

I like all those but I most prefer a vertical fist like old style bare knuckle pugilists

I want fresh views and participate in discussion not read old threads thanks :slight_smile:

no it’s not, cupping motion in wing chun sil lum tradition as example http://www.broadcaster.com/clip/11697 look at the opening set in sil lum tao form :wink:

Read my post again I never discussed the usage of the words sil lum in the form versus the si lum (shaolin) tradition. please stop being so arrogant

get off the site?!?? That’s very strong.

It’s well known history that Muay Thai is derived in part from kung fu
from wiki

Various forms of kickboxing have long been practiced throughout Southeast Asia. As with most countries in the region, Thai culture is based on that of India and China. These countries had a hand in the development of local martial arts. Indian boxing forms like Musti-yuddha are remarkably similar to Muay Thai and it is often said that every move in Muay Thai has a similar equivalent in Shaolin kung fu. Muay Thai’s origin in Thailand can be traced back to its ancestor Muay Boran (“ancient boxing”). This was the form of unarmed combat used by Siamese soldiers in conjunction with Krabi Krabong, the weapon-based style [1]. The precedence Muay Thai and Muay Boran give to the kicks may be indigenous to Thailand and the surrounding area, since Indian boxing as well as southern Chinese styles use even low kicks sparingly. Another influence from Thailand’s weapon style can be seen in the pre-fight Wai Kru ritual which is based on the sabre dance of Krabi Krabong.

no I don’t want to thank you. You prove it didn’t “dipshit”

you’re trying a bit too hard to sound cool dude what’s with the swearing can’t you manage a grown up conversation?

I don’t have a time machine kids I can’t prove thai was influenced by si lum but you can’t prove it wasn’t. Your standard of proof is a falsehood of arrogance.

The si lum clinch position can be used for striking with the head but it is by no means a prerequisite to doing so.

It is true the knee stomp has a higher chance of success if their knee is straight so you can set it up to be straight before you stomp.

For example a back spinning leg sweep to their forwardest leg followed by a scissor step stomp can be quite effective in my experience

Well I don’t do teakayde so I’m not sure if that’s true. I gather that making statements without proof is unacceptable to many kids on this site so prove it’s talk about the striking surface of the side kick that has turned the art into crap and not just idiots doing it or some other cause. Do you do crap TKD?

I’ve also found head butt to be effective against the solar plexus or heart region, and to the groin.

My kinda thing

Guys this is the coolest type of striking training I ever did definitely recommend it to you poofters.It’s called milling and we did it in P-Company which is basic training for airborne. The rules are no defence just attack non-stop. Character building they sayYouTube - P Company MillingYouTube - army milling P company (Must see)Boxing won’t help you much I’ve seen many decent boxers knocked out doing this because they focus too much on defense. And if you say you box we’d set you up against some nasty piece of work street hard kid twice your size. Don’t get me wrong you can get ko’d and still pass the test, it’s about character not skill. Most of the real fights I got into looked like this too lol. So you man enough?

Bullshit, a decent fighter will not get knocked out that easily. Why? Because they don’t fucking stick their chins out. By simply tucking your shin and offering your forehead, you seriously minimize the risk of getting clocked. I call bullshit on you saying you have witnessed decent boxers getting knocked out like this… unless you completely missunderstand what a “decent boxer” really is.

We’d set you up? Who the hell is “we”?

Are you claiming to be or have been in the military? How can we corroborate this?

This is the only think I can agree on, and that’s the only useful thing this may have. I would like to know the opinion of the fellow posters who are both in the military and who are familiar with MA training and competition (Cassius, Yrkoon, Asia.)

Because most people can’t fight for shit. This is not something one really brags about it.

No, not really.

Is this supposed to be a test of manhood?

So, you were in Pegasus Company… Did you pass?

A decent boxer would be able to bob and weave out of those lame fucking arm punches and counter them you trolling fag.

What he said.