balls… I meant to say blue balls
and I was just about to congratulate you. Well, I guess that’s also an accomplishment of sorts.
Your balls look very delicious. Perhaps you should enter this pic into the win a date with a bullshido girl. They really love their sweets even though I keep telling them. Once it passes your lips it goes straight to your hips. They never listen…Bitches, they nevvvvver listen.
God gave you hands for a reason.
Way to go? Congrats? Keep up the hard work? Yep, that’s the one.
Keep up the “hard” work!
just like we figured.
they only make candy canes so big…
even your dog has a bigger weener…
Lolzers!!eleven! get it?
… someone who likes the alternative rock group from New Hope, Pennsylvania?
im more into teh thermals myself.