Grandmaster Archiebeque is by far the most powerful, and awesome man i have met in my life. His technique is So efficient, that even with his age he can still out maneuver and has a harder hit than anyone arround. ive seen personaly his plaques and certification for 10th dan, pictures and videos of him working and training with the best. He is not into pollitics, yet he his HIGHLY respected by everyone arround the Northwest. If you are into martial arts in the Pacific north west and you dont know about Grandmaster Archiebeque where have you been? Its a blessing to have somone of such martial arts magnatude near by.
if you are near the area why dont you come by to one of the schools, step into one of our classess I will happly be there, then post what you think . I thought this sight was designed to help people find good dojos in there area, this is more like the blind calling the beuityful ugly, how ignorant and not to mention arrogent, if you only had a clue as to what you were saying you wouldent.
Thank you for reading.
PS for anyone who wants to know more about Iron Hand Archie, there is a nice websight called iron Crane set up by one of his Older Students.
Why dont you come down to one of the schools, see what you think. or see the man smash a rock the size of softball… STILL!!!
[quote=Neil-o-Mac;643855]I did a search under this guy’s name but nothing came back, so I’m guessing this might not’ve been posted before. If it has, feel free to bin this thread and/or bump the previous one up if necessary. Anyway, on wiht the linkage.
Some pertinent points -
He teaches ‘Cock’ and ‘Swallow’ style, oh, and Emu style as well. I guess Gun Fu must be a partly Australasian style. Kanga Ryu perhaps? :razz:
The quotes section has some…interesting gems
I’m sure some of the stuff in the Photo Gallery is prime pickings for the Pics of Disaster threads.[/quote]
your an idiot.
Maybe you would shit yourself, The students of Gun Fu seem to do just fine and are prepared. I don’t know what you all have heard but whatever it is its pretty foolish.
If you had a clue as to what the Grandmaster is saying… You just make yourself looks like a fool.
for all who doubt
[quote=Ronin.74;998661]Okay to be fair I went through quite a bit of the website and checked it out. The videos were not all that impressive. The forms I saw being demonstrated were craptastic (this is my opinion, I do not have knowledge of these forms and do not see anything useful in them, if someone else here at Bullshido can explain them I would appreciate it). The breaking demos I’ve seen plenty of times both here and abroad and although they are impressive they do not equal fighting skill.
Please check the link below, on this page you will find an image of Master A breaking bricks with his head, which all of us have probably seen done a million times by a million other guys. What is interesting about this image is, as near as I can tell, on the back of his uniform written clearly in Korean it says 4th degree (as in BB).
If you think you are impressive enough to Get a 10th Dan’s attention with your stupid website comments you have another thing coming. this goes for anyone end up in the Pacific North west and come down to one of the schools!!! especially before you open your mouth you little internet wannabee fighters!
If he trained in Japan why is he wearing a uniform with Korean written on the back? I am sure there is a perfectly logical explanation for this and I think we would all like to hear it.
I will admit that Master A’s training pics in this article do seem tough and geared toward building muscular endurance and strength, but do students still put themselves through this kind of abuse today?
Since Master A trained at a Buddhist temple in Japan, could you please provide the name of the temple and what province it is located in.
Since MasterDeHasting is so determined to defend Master A, I think it is reasonable to give him the benefit of the doubt and give him an opportunity to provide evidence that none of us know what we are talking about. Unless of course he is a young troll as I first suspected.
Video’s of competitive fighting do wonders here. Demonstrations prove nothing.
If you want applause for demo videos go to MAP[/quote]
If you think you are impressive enough to Get a 10th Dan’s attention with your stupid website comments you have another thing coming. this goes for anyone end up in the Pacific North west and come down to one of the schools!!! especially before you open your mouth you little internet wannabee fighters!
as for the iron crane video;s its a good sight, not Grandmaster sight or the only videos, you just wish you knew about the Infamus Iron Hand Archie!
[quote=Bearf*cker;999237]Won’t step up? Muh’fucker is in Seattle, Waga is on the east coast.
Is there a north-west coast throwdown coming up?[/quote]
Olympia Area here, and down
[quote=kipdynamite;999259]5-0 in th3 Str33t, 5 KO’s, watchout killer smackin’ women is generally considered abuse. Don’t be a troll, come to a throwdown, you and me can have a little fun. When it’s over I’ll even buy you a scotch or does that screw with your CHI.:evil6:
This guy is 100% green skin TROLL. Any schmuck that keeps track of his streetfights and cliams an undefeated record is either lying or is in need of LIthium, Depakote, or some other med for Bipolar. :new_micro[/quote]
Ill take your Challenge. Apart from that, i don’t know what you have heard but if you were wiser you wouldn’t have said anything. regardless of the fool talking.
[quote=wagamichi;998457]:bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag:
First of all, I have done chinese Iron palm for 11 years and can still play the banjo. If you do something that breaks your hand over and over…one might say RETARD.
Powders rocks…really? I assume you can do this so lets post a vid please.
Tricks, illusions, tomfollery. get to talk with him? Jim jones changed lives too…by talking. This is Bullshido. We don’t like talking…we like doing unto others.
There is so much retarded ninja-esk shit in your post Even I am really speachles and don’t know where to start. I think i just threw up in my mouth.
National tournament qualifyer? Point fighting? or reall fighting. Dude go home.
I guess your he’s old aurgument is how all the truly great masters keep up the mystic. My kung-fu grandmaster is in his 60’s and he will still beat peoples asses.
I am now experianceing reall pain. thank you shit tard.[/quote]
He is not Gun Fu
Grandmaster Archiebeque is however 10th Dan. Real Deal Ladies!!! And a wonderful man ontop of that.
[quote=MasterDeHasting;999276]not hard to keep up with only 5 street fights.
generally short and quick
not like ufc where they drag for 45 minutes
and aren’t trolls incredibly strong, which helps make up for the extreme stupidity?
and it should be killer of smackin woman
I have never hit a girl in the streets.
That is the most retarded cave-man and third world thing to do.
Hit a girl
Troooolllllllllllllllllll got grrrrrrrreeeeeeennnnnnnn skin taste like
This is not martial arts!!! You all think your Martial Artists!!! A bunch of mat fags gossiping like women! Talking Shit! about things you have no idea about. Grow up children.
Relax, fella, this thread is almost 3 years old.
Rules of MABS:
MABS: Purpose and Policy - No BS Martial Arts
This forum is specifically for ON-TOPIC discussion of McDojos, Investigations into Fraudulent MA Practices, the Standards of MA, and the History of MA. This forum is strictly moderated.
Before replying in a thread in this forum ask yourself these questions:
* Is my reply on topic?
* Is my reply safe for viewing in most work environments?
* Is my reply more than simply an agreement of earlier posts?
[B]* Am I posting for any reason other than just to be witty?[/B]
[B]* if this is an older thread, am I posting something that is new and useful?[/B]
Once again, if you answered NO to any of the above questions DO NOT POST A REPLY!!
Make sure you understand, any not all. That means if you answered no to one question don’t post.
- You added nothing new and useful in an old thread.
- You are trying to be witty.
Grandmaster Archiebunker?
He looks like serious business.
I wouldn’t mess with him.
And I don’t know if I would call him a wonderful man. (well, I wouldn’t say this to his face)
- Platitude spewing defensive troll is boring[/SIZE]
[quote=Uncle Skippy;2086246]Grandmaster Archiebunker?
Archiebeque, I should know i go to his school.[SIZE=1]
- Platitude spewing defensive troll is boring[/SIZE][/quote]
Archiebeque, skippy, is a grate guy, i should know i ate lunch with him last week.
One can always make a comprehensive character judgment of a person over lunch.
Oh no, wait, they can’t. You’re an asshole.
[quote=Gabetuno;2086763]One can always make a comprehensive character judgment of a person over lunch.
Oh no, wait, they can’t. You’re an asshole.[/quote]
fuck you buddy, im defending the honor of my Grandmaster, butt out.
Why, is your grandmaster too much of a pussy to defend his own honor? Or are you just eager to get your Sifu’s spot at the foot of the bed? Don’t forget to kneel and present.
if you put words in my mouth, you better expect to eat em fag, Wonderful meens full of wonder, sounds like you dont know anyone like that, are un educated, and in the martial arts world you gotta be smart, you sound like a littl shit talking girl in a middle school bathroom, calling Archiebeque archiebunker, what a tool you must be. i noticed this sight is full of retards like yourself. wannabees, my offer is open to anyone who wants to challange a student, be3cause none of you are worthy of the master.
Here’s just some of your spelling and grammar mistakes, you “un educated littl shit”.
Sorry I insulted your Grandmaster. You must be very attached, what with all the buggering he’s given you since your early years in fag fu. If you want to make me eat your words, I live in Rhode Island. Anytime you want to spar, little girl.
[quote=mindovermatter;2087352] in my mouth,
tool [/quote]Interesting choice of words considering you called someone a “fag.” Project much.
i noticed this sight is full of retards like yourself.