I can't get it through my head that ninjeritsu sucks...

Ninjutsu doesn’t have a good reputation here. Mainly due to the bullshit associated with it and the claims by those made who teach it.

yeah i hate that…rrrr ashida kim. and to think i read a book…well stole it

Ashida Kim is just one of many.

Here’s a good BJJ school I found in New York, located in West Seneca - http://www.buffalobjj.com/


Shot at 2008-05-14

Also: Stephen K Hayes, Doctor Hatsumi.

hayes is a fraud?..hatsumi?

One of the big things you’ll notice here in regards to validation is lineage. Lineage meaning transmission between teacher and students over generations. Hatsumi for example, claimed to have trained under a “Toshitsugu Takamatsu” but no one has been able to verify that such a person existed. As for Hayes, I have no idea but he himself had been trained by Hatsumi.

Here’s the Bullshido.com article on Ninjutsu - http://www.bullshido.com/articles/ninjutsu-8.html

Maybe you can’t verify he existed because he is a NINJA? helllooooooo!:ninjafigh

Shadow-warrior, what up. I too am noob of this site from the buffalo area. Ninjas are cool, I don’t know in the age of street lights if that is your best choice of a fighting art. Might I suggest Mind Manipulation: Ancient and Modern Ninja Techniques by Haha Lung ( real name) if your into reading, which you obviously are.

Ninjutsu is nothing like what individuals such as Frank Dux, Ashida Kim or Haha Lung make it out to be. Individuals such as them dwell on the myths surrounding ninjas, ninjutsu and the Martial Arts in general and exploit them.

But if you truly wish to learn ninjutsu, despite everything that has been said in this thread and many others, then go ahead. Just keep in mind that what’s called ninjutsu these days is not ninjutsu, just a cheap and inaccurate imitation based mostly upon legend and myth. But, if you’re someone that could give a pound and a half about lineage, accuracy or whether ninjutsu is the real deal, then go for it.

Just don’t get yourself killed or claim supremacy over anyone (which you shouldn’t do regardless of your art anyway).

dud jean clod van dam is the bast

Shadow Warrior,

My advice for Ninjutsu since I like you are a fan, also:

Distance from EVERY Ninja you can find. Esp. Maasaki Hatsumi, Stephen Hayes, Richard Van Donk, and above all, Aashida Kim. They are fuck head idiots.

Now, for Ninjutsu now days:

A. Learn to fight. MMA is good. Or maybe there is no MMA near you. Try a combo of Muay Thai or kick boxing and BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jutsu). NEVER learn from a Ninjutsu dojo, they are all idiots.

B. Stealth, good, yeah, like for a home invasion. Seriously, the baseball bat was a good idea! You might want to read books by former SAS comandos from the British or Australian SAS. Also, other special forces units have good reps, like Israel. There are plenty of SAS survival guides and so on out there offering great survival and stealth techniques. Or even better, join your countries Infantry! I did! Maybe try for SF one day.

C. Ninja costume! Dude, what you are wearing now will be fine. Dark and plain street clothes. That is it. Anyone sees you wearing a traditional Ninja out fit on the street and you’ll hear sirens pretty soon, gaurenteed…

Yeah man. You can’t learn Ninjutsu now days, it is dead. Only a few dumb fat Americans keep it going with the name, but the art is dead. You just have to use common sense to learn it yourself.

Is he trying to grab that bald guys hair? Thats some seriously good acting right there…

I love the distant look on his face, it makes it seem like he is so experienced he could do it blindfolded. Don’t even need to worry about tucking the head in to protect the eyes or nothin. Yes, very good acting indeed…

thanks tenchu lol most ppl rip me a new one on ninjitsu

I don’t care if that was genuine-feeling or the purest sarcasm. I’m going save one copy in my Mac’s hard, carry another folded-up in my E.U. passport, and frame a third. Consider it done.

Actually we know Takamatsu existed, we even have video and photo evidence. :wink: It is one of Takamatsu’s teaches, Toda that there is no proof for.Toda was the ninjutsu instructor. Takamatsu’s non ninjutsu instructors are easily verifiable.

who changed the title of this convo? =[