How I make money v. 1.0

Sirc does ballet so watch your step.

I have a bad taste from all the faggot “drifters” who have gone to my mountains to find “hairpin turns” and crashing, causing the police to put up more patrols up there and ruining my chances at a good drive at a good speed without fear of getting pulled over for it.

I might have to go back to drag racing. :frowning:

Seriously though, drifting is fairly stupid.

Yes. Yes it is. It’s rally driving on the pavement, but going slow. It’s all backwards.

The IT work you do sounds like boring shit. Is there any job satisfaction apart from the money?

Yeah, all the projects I do are actually pretty interesting and fun. Aside from that, 80% of our clients are young, hot women, who fall in love with me because I save their business from catastrophic failure. Good times.



It’s great because all of your education has prevented you from trying to write like a retard on an insulin high.