who thinks that it would be better if fighting had never evolved past bows/arrows and melee combat? I for one think it would, because first of all, it would prevent most of the idiots who go around with guns killing people like the virginia tech guy. If he had been holdingg a spear, things would have been different.
that is some retarded shit, well done on finding the post thread button. now see if you can find the delete thread one.
Oh yes, I can see it now…not. :5dunce: (love that smiley).
Look, I’m sorry if you lost someone in the shooting but doing hypotheticals about a world with bows/arrows/spears/rocks is just plain useless.
problem is that if we don’t evolve our weapons or fighting, aliens will come and invade us and we’d be defenseless. i mean, a board with nails vs a goop gun? we wouldn’t stand a chance.
Have you watched Lord of the Rings recently per chance?
From my cold dead hands.
All we need is a total economic collapse that precludes the manufacture of decent ammo and voila! The guns would be useless. People would make muskets, but I think I could live with that.
Moved from Martial Arts History Project forum.