I’m sure most of you are aware of the common trick a lot of gangsters and other street-type people use by holding their handguns sideways to increase the power of their bullets.
I generally prefer this grip to the standard vertical grip, but I notice sometimes it makes it more difficult for me to aim and control my pistols when I’m shooting people. At point-blank range or when I have the muzzle directly on my opponent’s body, it’s not that hard to get a bead on people (Provided they don’t have good head movement). At any kind of distance, though, calculated aiming goes out the window and I oftentimes just end up having to spray-and-pray.
My question is: How do you accurately aim without using the sight? And are there any exercises I can do to increase the stability of my firing arm?
[QUOTE=Holy Moment;3037142]So should I punch when shooting?[/QUOTE]
That will definitely make your technique better but you should also talk a lot of shit while aiming. That way the shots will be more accurate because your targets will stand still to hear what you’re saying. You might feel stupid doing that at a paper target but remember if you don’t practice that way then you’ll forget when the shit goes down and you have to bust a cap in someone’s ass.
Also practice shooting targets where the ass of the mouthy bitch that pissed you off would be, like down and to either side instead of straight at the target.
Oh, and wrap something around your hand and the firing mechanism. Like a bandana.
That tells everyone around that you know your shit.
Also, buy hollow points and store your loose ammo in buckets of urine. That way it’s like you peed in all of their wounds and they’ll die of sepsis. Might want to store the guns there too just to get total coverage.
Tripod or sand bags. If Sand bags try not to lay them on your car because when the bass hits, it causes the gun to vibrate. So better to have one of your bitches bend over and then use her.
A long long time ago, I bought a kick-ass bowling ball. I couldn’t decide how I wanted it drilled, so I didn’t have it drilled. I just palmed the ball and taught myself how to be accurate, whether I was throwing spin or straight power. I no longer have that ball, but, to this day, I do not put my thumb in a bowling ball. First knuckle only on the middle and ring fingers, if I’m not feeling lazy.
[QUOTE=submessenger;3037178]A long long time ago, I bought a kick-ass bowling ball. I couldn’t decide how I wanted it drilled, so I didn’t have it drilled. I just palmed the ball and taught myself how to be accurate, whether I was throwing spin or straight power. I no longer have that ball, but, to this day, I do not put my thumb in a bowling ball. First knuckle only on the middle and ring fingers, if I’m not feeling lazy.[/QUOTE]