How Do Engage In Sexual Intercourse With Female!!???!!!!!

I’ve noticed that a lot of people on this forum talk about how they perform sexual intercourse with females and decided that since I haven’t done so since I was in college I should ask here for specific advice.

I think that I don’t know what social procedures I’m supposed to undertake if I would like to have sex with a particular female. The times in my life when I did have sex or make out with a female it was always the female coming on pretty strongly to me. Recently, I have been observing how during social gatherings or events sometimes pairs of males and females will somehow self-select and seperate themselves from the group. I have also observed at least one male draping an arm over a female who shook it off thus sending a clear rejection signal. These observations have lead me to believe that perhaps there are certain social procedures a person would undertake in order to convince a female to engage in sexual activity. I would like to ask about these social procedures here in Liquor, Loot, and Ladies, since most people here talk as if they are quite experienced in such matters.

So, for example, let’s say that I am in a social setting and there are some females, perhaps at a neighborhood bar. If I take it upon myself to want to do something sexual with one of the females, what is the socially correct way to communicate this with the female?

I’m probably getting ahead of myself but the next question relates to actual sexual acts. I’ve recently had the priveledge of discussing sexual acts with females with a skinny sex addicted thirty year old. I’ve got some observations coming off of this conversation but would like some clarification or additional perspective.

1.) It appears that anal sex is difficult to induce outside of a porn studio. My friend told me that he has only succeeded in initiating anal sex with females who felt very comfortable and then only after a months-long process of simultaneous oral sex and anal finger penetration which would slowly and subtly be upgraded to actual sodomy. Is this correct? And if so, is does it have any relevance to how people normally engage in sexual relations?

2.) It seems that oral sex on females is an important part of modern sexual activity. However, there seemed to be a little bit of a disconnect with my friend’s attitudes towards cunnilingus and his attitudes towards sanitation. He told me that if a female’s vulva were extremely malodorous that he would not perform oral sex on the female or likewise if her anus had a palpable fecal smell. I pointed out to him that regardless of whether or not any ordors are present during the act of cunnilingus the male’s nose would probably hit the female’s urethrea and that in terms of health and sanitation the male would probably have bacteria-rich urine residue smeared all over his face from the activity. He replied that he can be understanding about urine because females cannot help passing urine but that poor general sanitation, such as not wiping well and leaving some degree of fecal residue, was unacceptable. But to me this reply seemed to be more socially constructed rather than really medically or scientifically meticulous. So my question to you all is what sorts of parameters and conditions you would apply to performing oral sex on a female. Do you differentiate between the different flavors you may encounter and enjoy them, or do you try to ignore them as unpleasant flavors?

I look forward to hearing your insights on these matters. Thanks very much for your patience and kindness and your help.

Talking to the women usually helps. And do it in such a way that you’re not hitting on them. I promise you, if you just speak to them and forge some kind of a social bond, however temporary, you might not get laid that night but think of it as laying track work. Get a phone number or give her yours and try to meet up with her again. But I can’t stress being casual enough.

Also, pay attention to body language and how she reacts to what you say to her. Does she play with her hair? Does she make eye-contact? Things like that.

Look for eye contact before you make a move. Its not a hard and fast rule, but generally if she’s looking at you, she’s interested. If you make eye contact more than once and feel that little jump in your chest? You’ve probably got a green light to at least talk to her.

And finally, being a little drunk helps loosen you up and makes you a little less scared to approach them, which can be mildly terrifying.

Oh…and tell your friend to man up. Yes, pussy smells. It can often smell pretty funky, so what? He should be eating it, not acting like one.

Get good at that and you’re gonna have very few problems in the bedroom department.


The length kept it from a 10/10, but still a good read.

Of course, let me translate…

  1. Don’t meet women at a bar or club.
    -Most hook-ups at bars/clubs are based purely on physical attributes (Strength for musculature, Dexterity for dancing ability, and Constitution for alcohol consumption) with, of course, Charisma factoring in once contact is made and initiative has been rolled.

Since your Prime Requisites revolve around more cerebral endeavors, I instead recommend that you join groups where you’ll encounter like-minded women. The Challenge Rating at these places will produce more encounters that you’ll be able to manage.

  1. Initiate Contact
    -Once you’ve encountered a suitable specimen, you then must make the appropriate Knowledge check to ensure that you’ve sized up the encounter accurately. Once that’s done, look to your skill sets to best capitalize on your strengths and her weaknesses.

For instance, if she’s a struggling intellectual with phenomenal stats in Dexterity and Charisma but mediocre Intelligence, wow her with your considerable Intellect while giving her the impression that you do, indeed, consider her Intelligence to be far higher than it really is.

  1. Attack the Challenge from all Angles
    -Most young men attack a woman from their specific specialty. Some kick down the door and charge right in, while others may talk the other to death. While this may work, you’ll find greater success if you diversify your classes and develop a broad skill set.

Some women need an aggressive, direct approach while others need a more subtle, coaxing technique…if you multi-class and broaden your skills, you’ll be able to challenge both types of women.

In addition, multi-classing will allow you to unleash unexpected attacks that seem unlikely from the font you project. Surprising women almost always results in an Attack of Opportunity, and will likely catch her Flat Footed as well.

  1. The Anal Sneak Attack
    -This attack takes a lot of time and preparation (H), so scout your opponent well in advance before attempting a rear assault.

In my case, I prefer frontal attacks versus backstabbing. While not always as exciting, I find that a failed attack is almost always less messy.

  1. Verbal Components
    -Adding a Verbal Component to your encounters will almost always result in a much more pliable, grateful, and manageable encounter. While not always necessary, getting in the habit of adding a Verbal Component can prepare you for those times when you really need it.

For instance, let’s pretend that you’re suffering from a Temporary Constitution due to an imbibed toxin. This poison is preventing you from unsheathing your sword to penetrate the lair of the Lich Queen, so you’re unable to directly attack your foe. However…if you’ve been practicing your Verbal Components, then you can now stall the Lich Queen with your display of tongue Dexterity until the poison wears off…

…at which point you can then unsheath your sword and finish her off for good.

A quick word of advice when using Verbal Components: Aspirating through the mouth is always a good idea, as you never know when your opponent will unleash a Stinking Cloud.

Many a brave warrior has fallen low to the insidious Stinking Cloud.

Nice fairy tale of “I only got laid in college, but only becaise th female came on to me…” virgin.

sombody gon getcha fer that all-caps thread title. don say i din warn ya.

im in a similar situation. the last few chicks i spent any amount of time with
approached me. i have NO game.

if you can get a girl to think you’re funny… and to laugh until she starts making physical contact with you, be it a smack, a push, or a grab… you’re in there.

bitches love funny guys.

I didn’t read the OP’s thing but here’s my advice for him

–Negotiate price

–Pay up front

You’re welcome

Holy shit, Dr Ruth dont have shit on you, ever consider a advice hotline, no kidding Ill


Step 1: Stop sounding like such a monster fucking nerd. Even if you’re trolling, this level of effort suggests a ridiculous nimrod factor. But seriously, do you actually talk like this all the time? Holy crap.

Step 2: While I think that it’s otherwise worthless -
this book appears to be right up your alley.

Always remember, being drunk increases your confidence, and women like confidence in a man. Therefore, by a simple process of extroplation we can determine that the drunker you are, the more appealing to a woman you are.

God it’s so easy once you think about it.

do people really have this much trouble getting laid?

i’m a whale right now and I still get laid pretty easily.

that’s only because you’re adorable, vinh.

not everybody is as naturally cute as you.

Jail bait doesn’t count =p.

Alot of people support greenpeace, it’s only natural.

maybe the OP needs to move to some place where it’s easier to get laid?

and hey axelton, the last few girls i hooked up with were older than me. though since i just turned 20, that doesn’t really say all that much.

well… older women aren’t as shy around blowholes as younger women.

Yeah, you’re also in college…thats like fishing in a stocked pond.

So I’m guessing you’re good without me finding an italian for you?:occasion1

BTW, the guy must not live in NYC. If you can’t get laid here then I just can’t help you.

roflmfao. so ate, know any women of your generation looking for short, angry whale-looking fighter asian boys? looking like you is just a plus.

and jp, damn fucking straight. but i also get laid pretty easy in boston. i guess it’s easier to get laid when you’re young? and dude, i oddly can’t find any italian girls around my age who can cook… i’m surrounded by korean girls, what can i say?

No. no. You’ll get so much college ass when you’re in your 30’s as long as you keep your shape. College girls looove the extra “experience” you have to offer.

Korean huh? Not my brand of choice but some of them are gorgeous. Finding a good italian takes a little time. They creep up on you. Finding a good woman also takes time…

Never been to boston. But I don’t seem to have much trouble with that anywhere so go figure.

Dude, you a few steps from whale…short and angry I’ll give you.