It’s bothersome that nothing is happening on this. I can’t get the Border Patrol to respond to my emails, and seem stuck on what to do next. A long time ago I asked for people with Law Enforcement experience to be let into this forum, like Kabar, and nothing was done. What’s up? Is this finished? I need a bit of help here!
Sorry, I’ve been ignoring my duties in the “Sammy Franco must be destroyed” army. What would be a next step – shall I start contacting these people?
This is not done. I plan on putting in my work come December.
What would be a next step – shall I start contacting these people?
Whoever Matt says, go ahead and let them in. Thanks.
oops! I made this post and then forgot about it since it doesn;t come up on the “Active Threads” stuff. Anyway, it’s been so long since I talked to Kabar and the others I don;t know if they’d still even be interested. Maybe we should do some “fishing” and make a Franco post on the gen forum? I could post what I’ve found so far. What d’ya think?
Go ahead. Should draw some attention.
Cool. I’ll try and get to it tomorrow.
Pm me when you need to let someone in