Hey Folks! I’m around again. Took a look through the threads.
Man Wrabbit, Doc, and Osiris were totally having a normal one for like a year huh?
Nice dumbbells Phrost. You were right about Monkey Man, I’ve watched it like 5 times. Really Good. Also Fall Guy made me finally like Ryan Gosling.
Bummed Doc got banned, hopefully whatever he did wasn’t too crazy. I disagreed with the guy on like, everything, and I hated the tone he tends to post in, but he also could be very kind and generous with those in need. I hope he’s being more of that guy and less of the pompous poster whatever he’s doing.
Heard about Joe some time ago. Sad he’s gone, glad I could play a small part in reuniting him with an old friend before the time came. Another guy who I had so few things in common with, but who was a standup guy when called upon in my experience.
Sup Mr. Palmer, if you’re still around. Thanks for being there before. Get that bread and don’t be dead (:
Hey SirC, hope you’re doing good. You were wrong about her still loving me, but maybe I needed to hear that at the time. I’m not on FB anymore to really see, but I hope that kid is still looking super happy and healthy. Thanks for being there for me too.
Sub around? I know the Discord and you was having some discord. Hope you’re well my guy, it’s funny how similar of a path so many of us walk when we get there from such different places.
BFM? Omega? Hi if you guys are around lol. I tell everyone who asks where to go in SoCal that Valhalla is a must-go.
Holy Moment ever come back, or did he grow up on us? Remember when I drove to New Jersey and wrestled him on the beach? Dude had a good Youtube channel too, other people are getting way bigger numbers covering topics that HM did yeeeears ago.
Devil die yet? Got dancing shoes when the time comes.
Everybody else? English fight promoter whom name I cannot remember? Thanks for being willing to set me up to fight that guy for talking shit on the internet a few years back. Hope y’all are doing big things!
Any how, it’s me, still me. Your friendly neighborhood Radical Dadical, checking in. Still training, but mainly kickboxing right now, my knees are kind of shit when it comes to any standup grappling and it makes me sad lol. Trying to start a middle-aged (is there any other kind now) punk band with my roommates. Biggest kid is starting high school, might be moving in with me to do it, which is super exciting. Hopefully I can be good enough at the like, bookkeeping side of things like her mom is. Like I am so excited for the basics but kid has like 4 medications and 3 doctors to keep track of, and my coping strategies for ADHD are becoming less effective as I age lmao.
Anyway, Hi There!