Hero military veteran, 88, declares 'fear is not in my dictionary'

Badass of the month.

An 88-year-old military veteran has been praised for “extraordinary bravery” after fighting off a gang of five robbers to rescue a young woman from being mugged.

John Nixon, a widower, told the Evening Standard he trained as a commando at the Achnacarry depot in the Highlands in the 1940s and fought in the Korean War.

In fighting off the gang, he was cut in the head and on his hands after he karate chopped one of the knife-wielding attackers to the ground in Kentish town, northwest London.

Karate chop FTW.

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/02/19/hero-military-veteran-88-declares-fear-not-dictionary-saves/