Here's your big chance you pantywaists

Unfortunately I play the same game as KFDW. However, I usually play a mod called AirBuccaneers, which involves pirates - hopefully redeeming me partially.

Ass Pirates perhaps?

Swab the poop deck.

Dont forget you must call out the techniques before you do them (ex: Bopping the Monkey, Choking the Clown, Double-Fisted Jelly Palm, etc)

G and E respectively, you ignorant canuk

Precisely. Aesopian’s sister and I did a live action beta testing before it was released.

HOSTILE INTENT. If you have half-life 1, get this mod, and I will proceed to rape you.

I challenge you to come to my place and fight!

Bran, name a time and a place…er…server, sometime this weekend, and we’ll dance, and by dance, I mean throw slow moving grenades at each other as we circle around and shoot at the general head area of each other until we move in close range and try to get the killing melee shot in.
I’ll probably be on the computer most of Saturday night.

Real men play Half-life 2.

The lack of HL2DM greatly disappoints me, as does they fact they released it just in time for my last batch of huge assignments.

You’re all wrong, real men play UT! Not 2003, not 2004, the FIRST ONE!!!

Does UT have plasma climbing? I DIDN’T THINK SO!

This “real man” fucking beat it in less than a week. I’m not bragging. I’m complaining. What a fucking letdown. I was wholly expecting the game to be at the halfway point when I actually beat it. G-man shows up and the game is fucking OVER.

The ending is anticlimactic.

If any of you guys frequent an America’s Army server, let me know. :slight_smile:

I’m in Australia though, so the ping may be terrible.

Goddamned it bran, I was attached to my computer all weekend (I beat half life 2 in 2 days of moderate playing… and I purchased it Shuma, so feel free to pos-rep me and say “Yuo by’d your software you stupid fuck. LOL YUO DIDTN WAREZED TEH GAEM!” that would definitly make my day".)

Anyhow, did anyone else download the halo thing? any chance we can get this organized for the weekend?

If any of you guys frequent an America’s Army server, let me know. :slight_smile:

Weak. They need to remove crosshairs, all hud features, and death messages asap. Then they need to add mic support.

Anyhow, did anyone else download the halo thing? any chance we can get this organized for the weekend?

Thanksgiving weekend isn’t a good time.

Operation Flashpoint. \o/ Although I mostly play with buddies. Nothing is worse than too much realism. I love shooting someone in the leg but not killing them. Forcing them to crawl back to base or suicide. Too bad it’s a bit outdated :confused: The environment is awesome. I’m looking forward to #2 in 2006 T_T.

Also I’ve tried a HL2 mp mod which included the grav gun and other stuff made by fans. It was hehe, allright. Too bad it crashed whenever someone drowned ^^. I hope valve gets it together and bothers making a mp addon. It would be a shame if they couldn’t implement those physics in multiplayer. It would rock downloading halo trial

The fans will get to it. HL 1 has the best mod community ever.

I’m no good at video games. Haven’t been since pong. Asteroids used to kick my butt. . .heck, even lunar rover. You guys go have your fun.
goes back into coma


unless you want to play pinball. . . or, a real game? volleyball?basketball?tennis?