Yeah, so a lot of you have a problem with me? Well guess what? This is your big chance, asswipe. I’ll fight all of you in a duel.
Yes that’s right, a duel.
Man, woman, or child.
KFDW, lets see what your monkey kung fu is worth
Click here to get what you need.
PM me when you’re ready to get the shit kicked out of you, you bunch of posers.
Oh yeah, when, mid next year?
Only if we can get neutral location. How about a quake server?
You challenged me bitch!!
You come to me!
You got Tribes: Vengeance?
Apparently Brandies = sucks at Tribes.
You challenged me bitch!!
You come to me!
[mean]Fine. Next year. And Im bringing armed fighters.[/mean]
My fave part of Tribes: Vengeance is driving around in the Rover and running people over. It’s fucking hilarious.
I walk away for one minute and now you assclowns are all over the place. If I go take a shit you’re going to want to play me in yahoo checkers.
Have some fucking self respect.
Apparently not. NEXT VICTIM
My Deathmatch record is now 3-0
One word: Tribes. You know, where you can actually kill the vehicles.
You got unreal tournament 2004? I will frag your ass.
You challenged me you bitch!!!
You bet your shiny pokadot 8 ball ass.
You and me Brand. This Friday.
I like UT2004 better. Call me crazy.
If you can’t beat vehicle whoring on Blood Gulch you’re just not trying hard enough.
as soon as I remember the different buttons between switching grenades and getting into vehicles, you’re a dead man bran.
My brain has frazzled from the geekiness of this thread.