heeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger, four Pepsi, chip.

How can a big fat mofo like Ralph Severe stealth around the place?You could smell the cheeseburger stains on him a mile off.Two words:JENNY CRAIG BITCH!

heh. That’s good.

prob caught that mold spore illness that bruce dallas caught


Culled from:

Hey! Who ate the first “C”? Fucking gluttons are always nibbling at the titles.

He has couchmouflage!

needs jungle recon boots

this thread makes me hungry mm cheeseburger

The poll is all wrong! The pong paddle is the manliest video game character ever.

Most of the other characters require 3 dimensions to be badass. Not the paddle. He doesn’t even require color.

How do you smell a cheeseburger stain?

It would have to be a fresh stain… post incident, but pre laundry.
It’s the same with panties.

I hear.

Wow, that guy is laying on top of Ralph. He’s so ninja, I almost missed him.

[how did he know that guy was gonna be wearing his digitals? Now THAT’S NINJA. AMERICAN NINJA!!!]