Happy International Firgun Day


This is a thread for positivity and general niceness so hang your sad sack at the door and let’s just get along

Let me kick things off by saying what wonderful hair cuts we all have

I would ask the moderaration staff to ruthlessly cull any negativity, in a positive way

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The Germanic saying is kalte hand, warmes herz.

You read that right. Warmes Herz.

Positive idea chap.

And might I say you seem especially svelte today

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Why thank you

May I say your lantern is particularly bright and cheerful today

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Your knowledge of germanic sayings is wünderbar

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I thought I was German for 30 years. Even learned the language.

Turns out I’m Swiss instead. You can tell by my diplomatic style.

I imagine you yodel beautifully

I’m singing the Terminator soundtrack right now, fixing a dryer vent.

My good deed for the day is going to be introducing my 14 year old cousin to the franchise, because his parents failed him.

He’s also only seen 3 of the Marvel movies. 3.

Imagine his joy when he sees the others