Happy Birthday MEGA JESUS-SAMA!

I agree, it’s not the same without him.


Uhh… What?


o.O WTF * 10^200

Is that a joke?

Yes. .

How could you even think that?

Psst… That’s the leg of the guy standing behind her.

Previous form?


Boyd can you fill in the gaps for us?

:new_shock:new_shock :new_shock :new_shock
Holy fuck! Not to go off topic here or anything, but I had coincidentally just watched UFC 2, and went 'round the whole “Search Function” thing on Jason deLucia (with those thread Boyd entered and did his little thing in) and then see this posted!

Second: Umm… not that I’m taking this rediculous troll-job seriously or anything, but if the Sirc-Imagined MJS is dead, how is she/he/whatever having a birthday? (Sirc, I gotta say, you’re the easiest person to track when you change your name. Most people have to spell it out for me, but with you the moment you make a thread “Oooooh THAT’S Sirc’s new name!”)

um…ur dumb?

His idiocy confused me. What’s going on?

Drunken posting mixed with happenstance and the belief that the world revolves around me. (Which it does, Neildo’s just a dick)

I know, but these walking bags of meat don’t know when to stop. I propose we cut their martial arts training out of their brains so they don’t hurt people.

Cool, can you bring a kidney to the pity party? You would do better supplied as spare parts.
I once offered a woman one of my kidneys because she had kidney disease and was so wonderful.

This is horrible, he has the brain capacity of a zombie and is posting like one.

don’t you mean she?