Psst… if you’re going to photoshop in a chick, you should photoshop out the arm of the guy you’re pasting her over so it doesn’t look like you’ve got a three armed mutant girl next to you.
I don’t see the third arm
If MJS is a woman, that completely ruins my mental image of him/her/it.
she’s so pretty.
and, Sirc, from the thread you posted… she’s in the LA area.
tell that bitch i want her to be my shopping buddy.
and Happy Birthday :happybirthday:
She better still do archery, or I may never trust what people say on the internet ever again…
pro tip
Yes she does do Archery. Actually, she’s rated something like 2nd in the state or something. It’s pretty neat. She’s got some expensive bows.
I can’t believe you’re reviving this troll rolls eyes
i thought she was a real person?
she showed up to one of the throwdowns…?
What troll?
WTF is going on here!? I only see one tiny Asian woman, and she’s on the RIGHT. And I also don’t see a third arm. You people are crazy.
Ok seriously, where is MJS. She should’ve been here by now.
If both of you form a trolling team, it could spell the end of the internet as we know it.
oh how i wish. he won’t marry me 50 times and take me to prom.
he’s saving himself for MJS…
or Luke Perry.
So seriously, where’s MJS.
Boyfriend, duh.
MJS is gay? That explains his uber homophobic rantings
She would’ve told me.
But I do miss MJS. We used to have the loveliest banter.