Hai Guiz I iz pozting in MABZ

Im sure im going to break a lot of peoples hearts, but here it goes. You can not (earn) and black belt in any style from a home study course, i repeat, ( can not ) ( earn ) a black belt, from a home study course without sparring training. If you are already a legitimate black belt, that has earned your rank through an actual martial arts school, performing the required techniques and able to defend your belt, (meaning able to fight at a black belt level, which is something you can not do from home), then rank from one of these courses might be achievable.

 If you don't get proper training in sparring / fighting, against other martial artists of rank, you can not earn a black belt. If you do not have good knowledge of martial arts, the basics and fundamentals of understanding what its all about, you can never fully understand what the techniques are suppose to do, feel like when applied, or even how to make them work properly on multiple attackers. Ie big guy, small guy, skinny guy, over weight guy, strong guy, weak guy, ect ect... Martial arts techniques do not work on every individual due to these differences. Which then leads to formulations. 

 These courses are great for referencing or as i said before, if you have knowledge in the martial arts and the understanding of it, ( as a black belt )you may very well be able to learn from a home dvd course. Train under a real professional and don't get yourself or a loved one hurt by claiming to be a black belt.

[quote=wbba;2365699]Im sure im going to break a lot of peoples hearts, but here it goes. You can not (earn) and black belt in any style from a home study course, i repeat, ( can not ) ( earn ) a black belt, from a home study course without sparring training. If you are already a legitimate black belt, that has earned your rank through an actual martial arts school, performing the required techniques and able to defend your belt, (meaning able to fight at a black belt level, which is something you can not do from home), then rank from one of these courses might be achievable.

 If you don't get proper training in sparring / fighting, against other martial artists of rank, you can not earn a black belt. If you do not have good knowledge of martial arts, the basics and fundamentals of understanding what its all about, you can never fully understand what the techniques are suppose to do, feel like when applied, or even how to make them work properly on multiple attackers. Ie big guy, small guy, skinny guy, over weight guy, strong guy, weak guy, ect ect... Martial arts techniques do not work on every individual due to these differences. Which then leads to formulations. 

 These courses are great for referencing or as i said before, if you have knowledge in the martial arts and the understanding of it, ( as a black belt )you may very well be able to learn from a home dvd course. Train under a real professional and don't get yourself or a loved one hurt by claiming to be a black belt.[/quote]

If you already have a legitimate black belt from a brick and mortar school, why do you even need VHSaladez?

[quote=wbba;2365699]Im sure im going to break a lot of peoples hearts, but here it goes. You can not (earn) and black belt in any style from a home study course, i repeat, ( can not ) ( earn ) a black belt, from a home study course without sparring training. If you are already a legitimate black belt, that has earned your rank through an actual martial arts school, performing the required techniques and able to defend your belt, (meaning able to fight at a black belt level, which is something you can not do from home), then rank from one of these courses might be achievable.

There are hundreds of teachers that will tell you otherwise. Just like there were people using BJJ Self Defense cert as legitimate training in BJJ.


These courses are great for referencing or as i said before, if you have knowledge in the martial arts and the understanding of it, ( as a black belt )you may very well be able to learn from a home dvd course. Train under a real professional and don’t get yourself or a loved one hurt by claiming to be a black belt.[/quote]

You must hot have actually read my review. This thread is not about home study courses in general or onling learning. It is about this specific program and DVDs. Which is garbage.

These DVDs are NOT good for referencing. If you have even basic knowledge in any martial art, you know more than was is shown in these DVDs. If you get any rank from this organization, and claim it, then you are as shady as they are.

But thanks for adding nothing to the thread.

Really? You mean home study courses that offer you a black belt are worthless? Wow, thanks for letting me know, I’m glad you took the time to inform us of this amazing discovery.

Now if only there was a website out there that could hep spread the word…

I am thinking I should have made it dVdaladez

Ah, the cool and refreshing feel of trollshido!