
Guess who the next person to be banned is going to be.

Is this one of those things where the first to pull a name gets the ban for being a rat?


Does he look like this?


Does he or she “support members”?

You’re not SAVED?

Does this person have aids?

Does he handle cured meats?

Ug, the thread says “guess”, not “ask me a bunch of idiotic questions”



Anyone who runs and smokes at the same time and is into “pimp slappin’”

Someone who refers to the capital of Utah as “Tha S.L.C.?”

Tai prick!

I guess he would not be someone saved by Jesus Christ

The save point is right after the level with the snakes and pits.


I’m going to have to guess nobody, because it usually doesn’t take this long


Originally posted by I Choke You


nedhinkly? no, he’s too funny…in a pathetic way

The wiggity wack wangsta from da SLC? It says “banned” under his name, was he really banned?