Grappling/ groundfighting appeals to homosexuals?

[I]“what I tried to tell him is, those MMA or UFC skills are worthless against street aggression. MMA and UFC are nothing more than a ring sport with less limited rules. in a real fight, ppl usually come in with group, no one would stand aside watch you doing one on one gay sex. Strike is always a better choice than that head to goin technic.”


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Ok, your thread sucks!

MMA training is the closest you can get to training for REAL street fights.The whole point of Martial arts is to NOT get into a fight. If you were to get into a fight suddenly because of some stupid reason(you bumped into someone accidentaly and the guy gets angry and trys to hit you back acting tough),the guy would most likely be ALONE, and thats when you use martial arts for self defence.

One more thing, no matter how many people say that taking the fight down to the ground in a crowded place is bad, it will still happen. If you’ve seen or been in alot of fights, you’ll know that sooner or later one guy tackles the other guy down and starts to throw punches at his face on mount position…

It’s the entire aspect of grappling and rolling around with another sweaty man that irks that particular poster. I just wanted you guys to address comments like that.

I mean, you have to admit, BBJ = Big Blow Job as well a Brazilian Ju-Jitsu. Any Freud implications?

Is he saying that grappling isn’t as good as striking when your attacked by more than one person? Ok, but that doesn’t prove that MMA wont work. No one is going to try to grapple five guys at a time. MMA fighters know how to strike and grapple. Besides you attacked by a group of guys your fucked anyways.

Grapplers are so not-gay that they can roll around on a mat with sweaty men, train with “aliveness” (admit it, that word just sounds gay), and apply “rear naked chokes” to each other, and still not be gay.

It’s hard to get any more not-gay than that.

That poster is a retard, if he cant take rolling with guys or grappling with them, he can never train in Judo,Wrestling,Sambo, BJJ, JJJ,MMA or any other grappling art because he’ll be too much of a wussy.
Plus, if you are about to get into a fight with a group of people, your fucked anyway, no matter if your striking or grappling…

You have to admit, BBJ <> BJJ. Any stupidity implications?

It’s only gay if you make eye contact.

you’re trying to have a discussion with this troll?

But folks who practice in eastern “traditional” martial arts are the ones who most likely will have this disclipline, which is what the “meaningless kata” is for.

But this isn’t as true as people would like you to believe.

That 90% of fights go to the ground is bullshit. A lot of fights do end up on the ground, but not that high. When was the last time you saw a cop, bouncer, soldiers, etc, rolling around like a hedgehog on the ground with someone.

It’s something you need to prepare for just in case, but like White Fang, in the streets, if you end up on the ground, you’re most likely losing.

Whats wrong with taking someone to the ground and kicking their ass?I never said, 90% of the fights end up on the ground, but they do if your a grappler :stuck_out_tongue:

Excuse me, isn’t it:
BBJ != BJJ;.

You cant win against multiple attackers whether your using a striking art or a grappling art.
As for self defence, if your learning from an instructor under the lineage of Helio Gracie, you learn stand-up self defence techniques, VERY similiar to Judo and JJJ that involve throws and locks. End of thread.

They can also get their hooks in and go for North / South position

So if grappling is gay, wouldn’t you want to learn how to grapple so you won’t give up your back to these unscrupulous grapplers.

Must… not… interrupt… pointless… noobfight

Thunderfoot… wow. Ok… you seem to agree with the comments on Youtube, and you seem very interested in the apparently obvious connection between BJJ and BBJ… (D’uh, seriously)…
What are you “thoughts”. Do you think grappling’s gay? Do you like big, manly grapplers, or cute welterweights with shaved arms and legs?
Come clean, you’re among friends.
We won’t judge.

Sorry, but no.

Whatever, I’d like this guy to come to one of my grappling classes and get tapped out by the owner’s wife when he is trying to use his DEADTLY STR33T TECHNIQUE