God Damned Discovery Channel...

nearly raw? steak tartar is the best way to go.

Anyone see the special on Shaolin Kung fu?

Matt Stone and Trey Parker: “While in China, we learned that China is really stupid. Let’s make fun of it!”

fuck you. I order my steaks “as rare as you can make them”.

MJS - I do to. Tartar = as rare as humanly possible.

you kids and your slang

I will try and use smaller words next time.

Isn’t that just raw?

So what exactly was the explanation that was given to support WC being the ultimate martial arts?

I think bacteria would have been a good first or I don’t know rocks, prototype for all projectile weapons, but what do I know?

WC the ultimate weapon of all time?
GOD DAMNIT, I think I’m going to cry.
For the love of Ganesha, who the fuck came up with this stupid fucking idea?
I guess the ride on Yip Mans nuts must be real good, 'cause WC as the ultimate weapon (surpassing, if I read you correctly, FIREARMS.) makes baby Odin cry…

Btw, tartar steak IS raw. Barely dead. Sometimes it still twitches.

I actually saw the Monks from the special (Wheel of Life?) live. I was amazed by their feats of athleticism…

of course not a single one of their tricks really had fighting application… great that you can throw a scorpion kick over your head, but why would you ever need to?

Not anymore, the History Channel is going to air “psychic history” shows.

Does Mail Call still come one? The best stuff on that flimsy ass network otherwise its ww2 docs which you can only watch for so many timese or shit to the like of High Hitler.


History Channel is very “hit and miss,” depending on the topic and who is making the “mini-documentary.” Some can be fantastic. So, one day you get a “Roswell is R34L!!!111” and the next you have them tear it to pieces with the help of CSICOP. The fact they still discuss the multiply debunked “Bible Code” is beyond embarrassing.

Still have the great Gunnery Sergent R. Lee Ermey doing Mail Call [Link NSFW–Ed.].


Ah, life is going to be that much better once I get my get my cable turned back on.

History channel is my favorite channel- since my cable company doesn’t carry boomerang.

Besides everyone knows bugs bunny is the greatest weapon of all time.

Will they invovle aliens? :zalien:

Argh, why wing chun? That’s so random.


Oh wait…

to kick a rider off his horse