God Damned Discovery Channel...

So last night I catch the last 15 mins of some showed about the 10 Ultimate Weapons of all time. The last few are pretty good - English Longbow, Barrett Light 50… Can’t argue with those.

Then, to a tremendous drum roll they revealed the #1 ultimate weapon of all history - WING CHUN. :new_Eyecr

I almost passed out from laughing so hard as they showed some monks trying to teach these middle aged catholic nuns to break boards after their first and only WC class. OMG, the Discovery Channel are nutriders of HEROIC proportions!

For the record, Barrett Light 50 > WC unless the fight is in a phone booth, and even then, my money is on the guy with the heavy piece of steel.

I hate discovery channel, they used to be somewhat decent, but not anymore. It’s all about fucking motorcycles and cars, oh and bullshit in a gi… There’s so much bullshit shown on TV that I couldn’t bear it anymore and just sold the infernal device (that and the fact that because of ONE crappy channel, I have to pay the price of a decent TV each year just to OWN a TV!)

Thats old. Been rerun a few times. I laugh my ass off every time. Wing Chun vs. Gun… hmm thats a tought one.

TLC and Discovery tend to be basis not factaully correct. History Channel usually pretty good though.

Guys havent you ever noticed that we bash Wing Chun wayy too much.

I mean BJJ is just chi sau on the ground.

So BJJ is really the ultimate weapon of all history?

BJJ wins again?

TKD = Ultimate Weapon

Wing Chun is cool and all…

But while you’re chain punching…

I’m stealing all your Canto bitches…

No, because there is lava on the ground. Also we can only do it on the ground. They can do it standing and everyone knows that ground fighting is the same thing as standing, only horizontal!

Well the cross grip setup to the armbar from the guard is obviously a lop sao stolen from _ing _un.

Maybe we should start calling it _azilian _iu _itsu.

_anderlei Silva, _oyce Gracie. I could get used to it.

Ah, I’ve seen that a few times actually. It saddens me that the discovery channel is showing such bullcrap. I don’t see how the WC could be the number one weapon… I don’t even think that it’s in the general area to be nominated for that. I do, however, find it to be better than the BJJ unlike what some of you seem to be implying.

Oaisis please STFU. Troll maybe?

How is WC > BJJ?

This coming from a guy who does TKD.

I going to shove a sword up your ass, and skull fuck you as you die for being soooooooooo stupid.

History Channel? Do you mean “teh r34l J3zu5” channel? Every other thing is some crappy Davinci Code nutriding bullshit. Which I guess is a step up from their origins as the 24/7 WWII footage channel.

I hate documentaries, period. I used to inhale them. But I realized that they follow the same pattern:


  2. Intro into the “problem” or whatever

  3. Background information

  4. 10 minutes on the actual topic

  5. Saying that some day it might become useful/mainstream/proven

  6. Credits role.

There is never really any substance to these things. The only ones that are any good are the ones on animals or places. And those are fucking boring as hell.

let’s do it like they do on the discovery channel

i’ve already discussed why choosing specific weapons is stupid, but choosing specific weapons is stupid.

Because the TV is a wonderful learning tool!!!

WC is like alot of things with China. Like the whole:

“The Chinese invented “________” Xthousand years before we did!”


Oh yeah?

Well, if the Chinese are as fucking smart as that, why the fuck are they the only major world power still clinging to the dingleberries of Western political thought circa early 20th century!?!?!

Fuck China

Why the in hell would people who eat with fucking sticks invent a food you need a fork to eat?

Since we’re on the subject:

Somebody want to explain the point of a chopstick to me, besides looking fucking ridiculous? Unlike the knife/fork combo, which allow you to cut and manipulate your food, just about any solid food, into deletable edible bites, the chopstick is just a pussified extension of the hands. In which case, just eat with the fucking hands!!! It’s faster. I can think of soup like pho being an exception, but pho itself is fucking stupid, shit isn’t even fully prepared. PLEASE MIX THE FUCKING SOUP INSTEAD OF LEAVING ME A BIG FUCKING LUMP OF NOODLE TO TOOL AROUND WITH.

Fuck asian food

asian food isn’t bad. but i’d rathher have a nice nearly raw steak.

Go to bed before your mum catches you wanking to teeny softcore

i don’t have to listen to you.