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Screen Caps
Thank you!
for what it is worth, the Wacker/Simco vid has been removed from youtube…
Ok, I just re-read the whole investigation thread on the main forum. I can’t find anywhere that I dsicuss Simco’s personal life. All I discuss, in a very objective way I might add, is the case and stated allegations. With the exception of the Daniel A Bravo tangent. Regarding my being asked about my youtube post being deleted, I never was asked about it. Daniel A Bravo discussed his posts being deleted, but mine never came up. I think I was not even aware at that point that mine was deleted. But, in either case, I do address my thoughts on the video with Bravo…and the issue of deletions on youtube. So my thoughts on the vid are still public and clear.
So, I have no idea where the new Simco site is getting these allegations regarding me.
Heather is jumping to conclusions by imaging that you’re a buddy of Mike Wacker, let’s see if she keeps repeating that bullshit and goes further out on that limb. It will be useful to discredit the arguments she makes later.
I hear ya Sam. Their site is pretty desperate sounding. Funny how they note that by deleting my youtube post (as opposed to all the other posts that “supprted Simco”) Kardian hid the truth…as if I am the be all end all of opinions on the subject. They also neglected to state my full opinions from follow up posts on other sites like here and my site. And in reality, that video has nothing to do with the charges against him anyway.
They also again make the claim that I am a competitor of Simco’s and hint ever so slightly that I am in on the “conspriracy”…which is plain rediculous.
I think that because I am one of the non-anonymous posters, who has some credibility, they are latching on to me. If one actually takes time to read the full bullshido thread, I am very objective and careful about not prematurely condemning Simco.
It is also funny that the last paragraph of the website cuts off in the middle…
Sloppy web design
Here’s an interesting link from the site
that includes a link to this photo of some “self proclaimed investigative reporter”:
I’m not sure I like our guys getting lumped in with the other guys. Also note how they now embrace the smear campaign label.
“regarding their wiki page after he continually harassed the Simco Family”
Nice, I did not harass anyone. Who controls that site again?
Sam, who is jim hughes? And they are saying you never responded to Heather. This is patently false, correct?
Max, they are trying tp lump us in with their conspiracy theory in an obviously desperate way. They look like they are grasping at straws…a real “he knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy kind of connection.”
It is uncomfortable, but funny in a real sad way.
As an aside, I did not even notice those other portions of the site the first time I looked at it.
Jim Hughes runs a royce gracie school in West Hartford Connecticut. I trained there before my back went out in the 1990s. (before Royce and Rorian split) I last talked to Jim about two years ago when I saw him at a wedding for a mutual friend in New Haven.
What is also interesting is that they claim both you and I have refused to anser questions…presumably as part of a conspiracy to hide the truth. I “did not answer questions about my deleted youtube post” and you “did not respond to Heather’s e-mail”.
That’s because they wern’t there – they are expanding it on a pretty consistent basis, it started as just one very long page but is now set up with several pages linked to the main page.
Sam – (s)he’s accusing you of harassing the family – cause for libel?
OK, so it is not just me…LOL. I was wondering how I could have missed all this stuff.
Wait till the hater’s club goes up…LOL.
Potentially, I’ll be talking to my fellow lawyers.
Well, they made some more minor modifications and took out the “hater’s club” section.
Here is my post which probably resulted in Gene taking down mentions of me.
Yes, I got mentioned.
I made ONE phone call to Simco’s family, and that was because his dad is also named Eugene Simco. It was a polite conversation in which I asked whether Gene could comment on the allegations, he said he himself would not comment, Gene was out of town, and I provided him with my phone number.
I also e-mailed Gene’s school e-mail TWICE asking for a statement, and I left one or two voice messages, on the SCHOOL phone number asking for him to get back to me. So this allegation that I harassed anyone and especially his relatives, is not true. The majority of my e-mails and calls were to his school address.
Unlike Phil M. over at Juijitsushare, I actually tried to get Gene’s side of the story, and unlike the P.J. newspaper we printed Simco’s press release/response in full and without editing.
It is true that Heather Simco did eventually respond to my e-mail, and she complained about a wiki on that concerned Gene Simco. Our staff did not create this wiki entry. Nor do we have a standard approved format for discussing BJJ blackbelts. She’s claiming that we have treated her husband unfairly by using a different format to discuss him, my response is we don’t have a standard wiki format.
There were two factual points she contested which were reviewed and edited out from the entry. It is true that I did not get back to her after this was done. I’ll do so when I finish working up some more questions.
There are other things I’m not discussing in detail right now. For example the e-mail that Heather sent me with dirt on the alleged victim which I have not reprinted here. I never requested the stuff she sent, and I never promised her confidentiality, and yet she sent such trash to someone they later say was harassing their family? It doesn’t make sense, especially since this e-mail was sent AFTER the contacts I describe above. I’ll disclose more about this particular e-mail, if Heather and Gene wish to argue this point.
I really didn’t want to go there but I felt that Simco opened that can of worms.
Now he’s taken down his comments what are the pluses and minuses of me taking down this statement?
While everything I say is true, part of me feels its not expecially relevant to the investigation, though it says a lot about the Simcos.
NHB thread about simco’s new website
New “fighting back” page on gene’s website