Gaming-Free America

A Campaign for a Gaming-Free, Wholesome America and American Way of Life for Ourselves and Our Families Throughout the Nationwide Community

ASS_SPAM America, PO Box 666, Beaumont, Texas 77704 Fax: (409)515-S-ASS


You and Your Gang of Gambling Perverts Go About Your Business Donna Toone to info show details 9:07 am (34 minutes ago) If The Good Citizen Is Banned From Your Forum! Gaming-Free America The Thirteen Colonies Leaders Historical Society, PO Box 1661, Beaumont, Texas 77704 fax (409)515-1942

Neal Fletcher to Donna show details 9:40 am (0 minutes ago) Haha, you’re batshit, but thanks for playing! Next time you want to advertise on a forum I suggest you check for their rates before assuming it’s free. Bandwidth costs money you puritan, killjoy, nanny-state assholes.

Wow…I would really like to read more about this posters ideas. I’d go so far as to say my many friends at the Penny Arcade Forums would be thrilled by them as well…

Is there any way I can get more information on where I might speak with these people at length about how to rid myself of the poison of gaming?

lol you post on the PA forums

Sure! It’s fun. Join us.

I read PA religiously, but I’ve never touched the forums. Are they really worth the time?

Given how something like this would make them foam at the mouth, I think they’ll be lots of fun.

It’s 99,999 douchebags and 5 people I like

2 of which live within ten minutes of me.

It’s a really good place to get, like, up to the minute gaming stuff, I found some decent people to play with on xbox live through it, they occasionally start a thread on martial arts that makes me roffl, and there’s an area like sociocide that I sort of shake once in a while, the way you would a mason jar full of red and black ants from different hills.

i’d like to avoid morbid obesity and debilitating acne

Now who’s in denial?

i’m tiny and acne-free.

Now that, is a good idea. I thank you.