Funny thing

As a group of friends and I were leaving the casino after KOTC last night, I overheard some guy saying, “There’s a lot of Chinese people here tonight. Lot of Nips.” I just ignored it and kept walking but had there been a confrontation, I wonder what would’ve happened. There were four of us: one was a brown belt and two were advanced blue belts and there was me. We’re all Asian, so I’m guessing that’s what prompted the comment.

You just never know.

Yeah but are you CHINESE?


There’s no sense in wasting your time on the ignorant.

Fucking gook.


I would have politely explained that the term “nip” refers to a Japanese person, whereas a largely Chinese crowd would be more correctly referred to as chinks. And then, depending on his reaction, I would have either smiled and walked away, or offered to chat about semantics and etymology while I walked him to the parking lot.

Gad, you guys are non-violent. In Hawaii the idiots would have got beat real fast.

So what looks like a caterpillar, has twelve legs and has a six inch dick?

… six Japanese guys carrying a canoe.