But what the hell do I know? I have only been competing in the area for the past ~ 5 years.[/quote]Christ, if that’s where you work out I’d avoid it because of your sanctimonious fucktard attitude.
Yeah, what the hell do I know? I have only been competing on the forums for ~ seven years.
Do you have serious ego problems? Perhaps you should do Aikido or drop acid or something.
[quote=fug;2310270]Christ, if that’s where you work out I’d avoid it because of your sanctimonious fucktard attitude.
Yeah, what the hell do I know? I have only been competing on the forums for ~ seven years.
Do you have serious ego problems? Perhaps you should do Aikido or drop acid or something.[/quote]
Blah, blah, blah…ego…blah .fucktard…blah…
The man wanted opinions on if they were worth the money. I tell him that after I have seen them in action for a while they weren’t. You go off on a tangent about how long you been on this forum.(and anyone should give a fuck why?).
Dullard, the "What do I know, I’ve been…’ was almost a direct quote from your post. Now, look at your silly little post a couple times. Try to remember the crap you wrote. Now. Look at the post I made and compare them. Do you see what I mean??? I was making fun of your what do I know my shit doesn’t stink or whatever the hell it was your tiny little brain came up with.
What a tool. Stupid, egotistical, can’t read, and has a small penis.
P.S. Dear OSPF (aka Fucktard of the Month), the last statement was a joke, meant to be amusing or funny. I actually don’t know how small your tiny limp dick happens to be, all I know it that you have the mental skills and comprehension of a tuna fish sandwich.