For sage advise, ask jnp

There’s a popular saying on Kendo: 交剣知愛 (ko ken chi ai). Means something like “you find love when you and your friends beat up each other to a pulp” or whatever.

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How homoerotic

If you’re doing martial arts you better not be afraid of some skinship, eh? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

It’s a metaphor that means finding true love by crossing blades.

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Get a room you two

I’ve gotta crow.

Except me and @submessenger.

But he won’t get gender reassignment surgery done.

So it’s a no-go.



What’s your opinion of Marjoram ?

It’s good stuff provided you don’t use too much. I know this from an unfortunate incident involving it and scrambled eggs.

We do not speak of this incident in my family.

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From similar experience, 5-spice should also be used sparingly.

yeah, I’ve overdone it with it too.

Then there was the Tarragon Incident…

JNP, what book would you recommend giving to someone who had recently graduated high school as a graduation present?

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As one ages and the body breaks down, what criteria would you use to evaluate when a grappler should consider hanging up the singlet, kurtka, gi, rash guard, etc.?

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That’s a highly subjective question. Normally, I’d ask several questions regarding their interests in order to tailor the answer to the person.

In the absence of that, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Or The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Both of these books deal with spirituality in a modern context. Zen from a practical approach and the Alchemist from a more traditional viewpoint.

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First, let your body be your guide. Are you in pain for more than a day after training? Does it diminish your quality of life? Do you have old injuries like herniated discs that could impact you permanently if you exacerbate them?

Weigh this against the enjoyment you derive from training. Utilize a cost benefit analysis approach.

I have 2 herniated discs that have kept me from training on a regular basis for a few years now. If I irritate them, I can’t get off the couch in order to go to work for a few days. So I go and drill moves, and maybe spar lightly with someone I can trust. This is because the mental benefits outweigh the risk of injury for me.

If that changes, I will reassess.