I would have said him, if it was 1988.
I would still pick Bill, based on his prior fighting experience.
Well, Maruis was a professional boxer, but I’ve never seen a boxer deal with the bear hug, so I concede to you, sir!
Why do they call it california national guard? California is a state, no? and a National guard usually protects an actual nation, no? Or do they guard america from california?
The mind boggles…
LOL, silly aussie…
LMFAO!!! Your ignorance is baffling. Just because they call their sport “strongman” doesn’t make them the strongest men in the world. I mean the winner of such events is usually not even the strongest competitor. Marius Pudzianowsky can’t even match the strength of thos fatter guys in strongman. He just wins a lot because of his endurance. Now Rezazadeh is WITHOUT A SHADOW OF DOUBT the strongest man in the world at the moment. A child can see he is able to atg squat 400 kilo with ease, hence his claim of a 440 kilo back squat is very possible. 440 KILO ATG BACKSQUAT that’s just 40 pounds away from the elusive 1000 lb WITHOUT A SUIT ATG!!! 35O kilo front squat, I mean, Pudzianowsky strongest man my ass
Good thing endurance has nothing to do with fighting.
Also, weightlifting does not necessarily= functional strength.
I asked Tom Kier and he actually confirmed this