Ummm… what’s the point of this thread? Is Fedor going to actually fight this guy, or are you just asking us how we think Fedor would fare against him?
Or do you just have a fetish for strongmen?
Ummm most pointless thread ever? I smell a troll (or maybe just a dumb fool?)
Not only is this a dumb thread that has already been done before and is just wait for exile in Trollshido, but that is not the strongest man in the world, Maruis Pujinowkinisjki (sp?) is.
Mas is dead, lets see Fedor fight a bull.
I wonder if he has a chance against fedor
His name is Mariusz Pudzianowski.
I know what his name is, I just don’t know how to spell it. I was pretty sure there was a j in there.
ur more delusional than ashida kim if u think Pudzianowski is stronger than Rezazadeh
Arnold beats them all.
arnold didnt even bench over 400 lbs
yeah, but he once tore off a dude’s arm and hit him over the head with it=>functional strength<=
You’re retarded.
Arnold was simply pumped up on steroids and hundreds of sets that never gave him any real strength. Most bodybuilders are not that strong when compared to powerlifters and Olympic weightlifters.
YouTube - WORLD STRONGEST MAN 2007 ALIVE! Official stats: 210 kilo snatch, 263,5 kilo clean and jerk, Bodyweight: 156.6 Kg Height: 6 foot 1 inch According to himself: 350 kilo front squat, 440 kilo back squat
I would love to see Pujinowski fight. He trains in boxing and kyoshin. He would be a beast in MMA if he the proper training over time.
He used to train kyokushin as far as I know.
Pudzianowski had received an offer to fight in “regular” K1, but negotiations come to a standstill.
I heard that in interview with him on yt, but it is in Polish.
He traveled back in time 2 times, once to kill Sarah Connor and the other to protect John Connor. He was then elected Governor Head Sumpreme of California where he combats vicious illegal aliens, Predators and Mexicans.
The strongest guy isn’t the best at MMA. Let’s see the rubber guard or the leg-lock tolerance on these guys.
Arnold is the most dangerous person mentioned in this thread. Why? Three words: California National Guard.
And which strongman contest did he win?
Two words: Bill. Kazmaier.