Failed Grammar Nazi

A ‘bias’ goes in favor of something, not against. The word you are looking for is ‘prejudice’.

You’re fucking stupid. A bias can be for or against depending on qualifiers. Get the fuck off my Internet.

oh and lol:

a : bent, tendency b : an inclination of temperament or outlook; especially : a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgment : prejudice c : an instance of such prejudice

[QUOTE=Cascadia K9;2658367]A ‘bias’ goes in favor of something, not against. The word you are looking for is ‘prejudice’.[/QUOTE]

So you did 2 years of TKD at 10 years old and you feel that you qualify to post on a martial arts website and then blurt out this stupidity?

Fall on a knife in front of your family.

[QUOTE=Cascadia K9;2658367]A ‘bias’ goes in favor of something, not against. The word you are looking for is ‘prejudice’.[/QUOTE]

Prejudice isn’t for or against, either.

Prejudice (literally) means to pre-judge (prae judicium). There is no moral compass built into the word itself.

OP, you just lost at Wheel of Fish.


Ew,can I jump in?

Synonyms: bent, bigotry, chauvinism, disposition, favoritism, flash, head-set, illiberality, inclination, intolerance, leaning, mind trip, mind-set, narrowmindedness, one-sidedness, penchant, preconception, predilection, predisposition, preference, prejudice, prepossession, proclivity, proneness, propensity, spin, standpoint, tendency, tilt, turn, unfairness, viewpoint

Notes: a person’s bias is based on facts, but prejudice occurs without a person knowing or examining the facts

YOU ARE ALL COMPLETELY WRONG…bias is the pre-load current on the power tubes in my Fender amp.

This is a failure of semantics not grammar.

Does anyone know how I could lose 8000 varrots just by logging in? Quite a feat I thought.

[QUOTE=Cascadia K9;2658367]A ‘bassoon’ likes the flavour of something, not angst. The word you are looking for is ‘pudenda’.[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE=Grey Owl;2658673]This is a failure of semantics not grammar.

Does anyone know how I could lose 8000 varrots just by logging in? Quite a feat I thought.[/QUOTE]

Ban for complaining about reps.


[QUOTE=Bruiser;2658683]Ban for complaining about reps.


In a bad mood are we or the question just too hard?

[QUOTE=Grey Owl;2659611]In a bad mood are we or the question just too hard?[/QUOTE]
You may find the answer here:

[QUOTE=Azatdawn;2659622]You may find the answer here:[/QUOTE]

Thank you.

I picture the OP pulling up that thread. Then shaking his head as he realizes how dumb everyone else in the world is. So he imparts his wisdom to all of us. Then hits the post button. He turns off his computer feeling a huge sense of accomplishment. Then he takes off his sponge Bob pajamas, jumps into the shower whistling a tune. Then gets dressed and heads off to Game Stop for a full day of work.

All is right in the world.

[QUOTE=Grey Owl;2659625]Thank you.[/QUOTE]
You’re welcome.

[QUOTE=Grey Owl;2659611]In a bad mood are we or the question just too hard?[/QUOTE]Says the pedant whining about a title.

Yes, that says a ton coming from me.

[QUOTE=Diesel_tke;2659658]I picture the OP pulling up that thread. Then shaking his head as he realizes how dumb everyone else in the world is. So he imparts his wisdom to all of us. Then hits the post button. He turns off his computer feeling a huge sense of accomplishment. Then he takes off his sponge Bob pajamas, jumps into the shower whistling a tune. Then gets dressed and heads off to Game Stop for a full day of work.

All is right in the world.[/QUOTE]

Until he realizes he forgot to pre-order his own copy of Halo-4 and will not get the specially colored Oakley Razor Blade visor for Master Chief. He will then go home, ask his mom for a capri-sun (grape, of course), and cry himself to sleep on his Zelda pillow.