Epic win: Those that post on Sociocide know why.

This was posted on Sociocide:


You fuckers are missing out.

And yes, I posted a video in YMAS. It’s a public service, instead of just “another video”.

Sweet… Much cooler than that Never Back Down crap…

Steve is up at 5am posting muse videos on a martial arts forum. I am taking donations to have Steve involuntarily committed. I live nearby and will render him personally, after which he can stay in my basement and dine on fine foods served by my wife until he is well. All I ask is that the good citizens of Bullshido donate a modest sum to cover the cost of his room, board, and psychiatric care (the psychiatrist will also be rendered to my basement.)

Pay via PayPal!

my hand hurts as this song plays…


So what the fuck is this shit exactly?

The blond was hot!!!

that was amazing. Best music video for along time.

i think this vid proves once and for all the dominance of da kung fu…

and laser pistols

Knights of Cydonia by Muse. And that’s not their best music, either. If you liked that even a little, take a look at the rest of their stuff.

If we’re going for music videos posted on Sociocide then you might as well bring out the good stuff. This kicks Muse’s ass.

Squirrel Nut Zippers - Ghost of Stephen Foster


That was the first thing I thought, too!

Also, you should listen to this song again on a real stereo or a set of headphones there’s stuff on it you can’t here from youtube.


I think this video has really cool animation

It was my girlfriend’s birthday and she had just crashed out. I finally had some time to browse the forums.

That being said, this idea of you taking care of me… :sex:

I don’t get it, what am I missing out on by not posting on Sociodie? Not that video I hope, because they played that thing on TV for weeks.

Wow, you must watch a lot of TV. I thought I did, but I never saw that video… :dontknow:

Anyway, the shits and giggles are over, moving thread to Trollshido.

It wasn’t on recently, it’s about a year old. I have OnDemand, so I could watch it whenever I wanted too.

That music video was gayer then Freddie Mercury’s codpiece. It does for western martial arts flicks what Jonestown did for cool-aide.

That was awesome.