Edmonton Guardian Angels armed with Taekwondo

Tue, September 26, 2006

Guardian Angels armed with taekwondo

When Edmonton’s Guardian Angels take to the city’s mean streets early next year, they’ll have the benefit of tae- kwondo training.

But the martial arts know-how will be strictly for self-defence, says national head Lou Hoffer.

“It’s so members can protect themselves if it does come down to them getting into a volatile situation,” Hoffer told the Sun yesterday. "If we see someone getting whacked with a baseball bat, we are going to intervene.

“(But) we don’t go out and crack heads. We don’t issue street justice. That’s not who we are and what we do.”

About two dozen Edmontonians have volunteered for the Angels’ training, slated to begin next month, Hoffer said.

Training will last two hours a week for up to four months. The taekwondo component will include basic punching, kicking and blocking, Hoffer said.

“We’re not going to be able to make anybody a black belt in that time,” he explained, adding training should begin when chapter president Lance Lamond returns from a vacation in mid-October.

Training will also include general physical fitness and conditioning to prepare the recruits for four-hour patrols, Hoffer added.

Police Chief Mike Boyd has said he’s open to working with the Guardian Angels. He’s suggested they can work with existing community patrols.

Currently, the Angels are completing the interview process. Edmonton’s chapter has drawn a “nice mix” of people from all walks of life, including ex-military, professionals, students, married, single, young, middle-aged and senior citizens, Hoffer said.

Meanwhile, the Angels are still looking for some financial support.

“We need money every day. We have to live,” Hoffer said, adding Albertans have started to step forward.


Yep…the public’s got nothin’ to fear now. No, sir.

Fucking hate the idea of these hippie vigilante wannabes. I heard that a ‘chapter’ had managed to appear down in London.

This news about them taking TKD makes me much more confident about kicking the crap out of any that make their way to my city and stick their nose into my affairs.

so awesome.

“If we see someone getting whacked with a baseball bat, we are going to intervene.”

And TKD’s going to prepare them for that situation how??

It would take another two months at least …

Guardian angels - good concept, bad execution . . . annoying leader guy.

Yeah… Edmonton’s mean streets. It’s a real jungle out here.

So, so lame.

They can kick gangstas off their horses.


On the bright side there may be more street fight footage coming out of Canada that has REVERSE PUNCH KIAI in it.

They’re being taught TKD? Oh boy, this is going to end in tragedy and disaster…