Do Ya play 40K?

It has come to my attention that a good many people here play 40K.
I freakin’ love it.

So please list your army of choice and any cool weaponry you have.

Also post pics if you have them of your 40K shit.

I use Imperial Guard.
We play Apocolyopse so I use one Leman Russ Squadron, 1 Basilisk Squadron, and 1 demolisher.
I use ratling snipers, sentinels squadron (3), two lascannon HW teams, and a mortar squad (with barrage weapon) for my HQ attachment choices.

I take indirect fire with the Basilisks giving me between 36 and 240" reach. I take Hardened Fighter, Close order drill and I have 2 squads of xeno fighters (ork)

I’ve always wanted to play, but couldn’t find a group or store that hosted events.

I find the Blood Angels to be particularly bad ass.

I bought a basic set of DnD and want my family to play with me when we are at the cottage after skiing in winter and what not.

Number 1 - no one wants to play DnD

Number 2 - I can’t figure out the rules anymore (it’s been 22 years since I played last)

So to answer your question about this other RPG.


How Do 40k?

I used to play when it was just Space Marines and orks… and I mean the original space marines with the pointy noses. I had the original boxed game with the plastic marines. I lent it to my friend, but he’s dead now. I do not believe that makes the game cursed.

I do play 40k games on the PC, though.

I used to play Warhammer Fantasy Battle, too, and I have a massive Wood Elf army and a Skeleton army in my loft.

40K is for children who like to roll lots of dice.

Play fantasy unless you can find people to play ancients with.

(the models are cool though, and the backstory is decent. that’s why I have an inquisitor army)

I am a huge fucking nerd but there was one thing I always said I would never participate in and it was miniatures games. I had a few friends who played Warhammer and the amount of money and nerdfaggory it required was something I wasn’t willing to do.

Now, who wants to play some L5R or 2nd Ed.?

EDIT: Also, this should be in Sociocide.

4th ED.

You will be assimilated.

This thread is like the opposite of what LLL is about.

Don’t be afraid of the Geekdom forum over on Sociocide. Yeah I know all your “cool” friends won’t see your thread but at least it will be posted in the right forum.

thank god! i thought i was REALLY geeky to recognise commisar yarrick!

My local tournament features ladies serving liquor at the tables.
Winner takes home the loots.
Probably not the ladies though.

I used to work in a game store as events staff for god sake. I have and would play so far every single game listed in this thread. If gaming were a martial art I would have like 13 dans in that shit.

40k, BUGS! old models too, metal hormagaunts, the bananafex. Sadly genestealer models NEVER get updated.

Fantasy = at one point I played every army but chaos…only pussies play chaos. Now I am all dogs of war and empire once they cancel my DoW.

OK. 40k armies - Marines (Dark angels) And Eldar.
Mostly though at the moment I’m playing other games. Bloodbowl from Citadel, Flames Of War (British African Armoured, and Italian Alpini), A Call to Arms (Narn), Warmachine (Kador).

I also RP, currently only D&D 3.5, but have done many others in the past…

Me and a load of friends played 40k back when I was 14/15, the huge rulebook was too much for us though so we just made up most of our own rules. I was always the Space Marines, Blood Angels or Ultramarines. Sparodically got back into it.
Later played: Space Hulk (Blood Angel Terminators) and Advanced Space Crusade. I liked painting the figures (or “dolls”, as my ex-wife called them) more than anything.

Recently got the 40k game for my PSP which was pretty cool. The backstory and imagery for 40k is awesome and grim, really nasty view into a distant future.

I’d get back into it but it’s so time consuming and expensive (although I still have all my old stuff) and I’d never find anyone to play with anyway…

Oh and 40k is where I got my name, too

The huge rules changes in 40k are what killed it for me (v2-v3). I am jealous though because 40k gets all the most amaizing sculpts and fantasy gets the leftovers. Some are cool, but by pure astehtics 40k minis are the best.

Take this shit to Sociocide, fuckos.

Thread closed.

Warhammer 40k Thread - Sociocide