Do Human Beings really have chi or energy?

If we show him a picture of a boxer beating down a kung fu guy, will he put it in MS Paint and draw in the hidden energy structures depicting the kung fuist’s energy body actually winning the fight against the boxer’s energy body? With his cock?

So energy is an abstract quantity to describe something. So what? Isn’t human life about discovering something, then making up words to describe that something?

I use the word energy to describe some phenomenon. If someone else wants to use a different word to describe the same phenomenon, I don’t care. It does not matter. The only thing that matters is that we are both talking about the same phenomenon.

You are wrong there is no such thing as an energy aura. Again, maybe you would have a different word for the phenomenon, but there is a phenomenon where it is possible to see things around living entities.

Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it is not there. If you can’t see it, that means you don’t have the ability. Instead of calling people who do have the ability crazy, why don’t you learn the ability yourself?

Too much work? Can’t be bothered?

Happeh, I can’t neg-rep you enough! Every time I read one of your posts I swear I lose IQ points.

Steve, where is the master banner when we need him!

We don’t want Happeh banned,

for the same reason that one would have a heavy bag or makiwara board in the training area.

When there’s no real competition,

it gives you something to take out your agressions on without resorting to kicking the dog.

No you’re not, the rest of us are talking about a scientific phenomenon for which we have many equations for quantifying. There’s also a set of rules that have been proven time and time and time again through math and experimentation, or has been refined and qualified through further math and experimentation.

Explain what you’re talking about plz. If you mean light phenomena, most of it (e.g. St. Elmo’s Fire, light pillars, etc) can be and is explained scientifically. The “energy body” you describe is something I’ve never heard of before when it comes to science.

Do you realize how pointless that argument is? We’ve all heard it before, we’re all aware of the possibility that there could be something in existence that we simply can’t see. But, it’s also very likely that the thing we can’t see might just not be there at all, and for that reason we can’t go accepting something as true just because there is an absence of evidence to the contrary. There is, after all, absolutely no proof that would suggest that there IS an energy body. Understand?

Look, let me give you an example that makes what I just said a little easier to swallow. There are tiny humanoid alien bounty hunters living on your balls. On everyone’s balls, in fact. They subsist on the nanoparticles that make up your pubes. In their spare time, they hunt microbes, which are like the size of whales to them. Don’t think they exist? Shit, just because we don’t have the technology to see them doesn’t mean they’re not there. And shit, don’t forget they have the ability to bend light around them in order to make it appear as though they aren’t there, so even if we had microscopes so powerful that they could see quarks (which are only slightly smaller than the aliens in question). There isn’t any evidence to the contrary, so you should accept it as true because I told you to.

See? You talk about mythical energy bodies that follow the rules of a misinterpreted Newton’s Third Law. I talk about nanoscopic alien nuthuggers. But our arguments are pretty similar; we both tell the people reading our posts that they should believe what we’re saying because there’s no evidence to the contrary, and if they can’t see it’s totally their fault for not having that capability and the phenomena are still there. And hey, still don’t believe in tiny extraterrestrial bounty-hunting pube-munchers? Then you should try opening your mind, dude.

Nuthugging aliens?? So THAT explains the itchiness! Wait…I can see mine though…

…oh, those are crabs, nm.

It’s funny, the first part of what he wrote about different words describing phenomenon made sense. It’s like he feinted with that to hit your brain with the absurdity that is the second part of his post. His net fu is improving with his time on Bullshido.

Now now, everybody maintain (belt) rank and (Oriento) phile and be calm about this.

Do we have energy?
Yes, kinetic mainly. And leverage.
We also use metabolically derived energy to live from day to day meaning we need to eat food.

The only energy Toby has is the batteries which power his crip-cart.

The difference is you are making things up just to be a dick.

I purposefully make broad general statements to find interested people. Most conversations I have listened to, do not start off by burying people in details. They start off with generalizations, then the other participants in the discussion add their input. After their interests have been ascertained, then the discussion gets more detailed.

You are just being a jerk. You and everyone else here apparently come here to kill things. You kill conversations. You kill people’s reputations. You tell other posters to kill themselves.

Jesus H Christ. The fruit loop nut job is smarter than the degree’d engineers Danniboi and DannyMac.

DannyBoi and DannyMac should both have posted what you did about a month ago in the thread on masturbation.

But they are those kinds of guys who are given a degree because they paid their tuition fees. They didn’t get an engineering degree because they actually know anything about physics or anything else.


Happeh and Angry_Spastic are communicating on a meaningful level…:5grouphug

Perhaps they are feeding off one another’s energy?

Well of course…or has this become a poll? That’d be interesting.

Humans have:
a) energy
b)energy and chi
c) just chi, no energy
d) well-hidden ninjas

speak for yourself.
I have midichlorians.

I have THE GLOW. Just like Bruce Leroy!

Uh Happeh . . . energy is different then force. You were discussing the mystical “forces” that make masturbation bad and had to wait for many of us to pick a couple for you. Shit, I’m still not certain if masturbation releases centripetal force or normal force or gravitational force.

Oh and you still suck at everything. I already mentioned there is energy in the human body (fuck I mentioned calories as a form of that energy weeks ago), but there is no proof that you can do anything with that energy other than some crappy Japanese cartoons, a few fraudelent Kiai instructors, and a guy that lives in his Mom’s basement.

If there is any difference, it’s that I’m being logical. I’m making things up here, but as far as we can tell, you are too. You come to us with this crackpot theory about energy bodies with some very specific rules, and when you say “you totally can see a person’s auras around them”, we ask you to provide some sort of proof. You fail to do that and ignore the request completely. You haven’t said a single thing to substantiate any of your contentions in this thread. You haven’t even told us where you get your ideas. So as far as the argument is concerned, your shit is just as made up as mine.

Do you understand what it means to take this claim of yours and take it to a site where serious discussions are sometimes held and evidence is nearly always required? It’s like attending a rather large neurosurgery conference where you are going to give a lecture only to realize that not only did you write your lecture at 1 AM in the morning while tripping on LSD, you’re also not actually a neurosurgeon at all. You’re horror novelist Dean Koontz.


HiThere/Happeh, did you ever actually take a class in physics? You know, at like a high school or a college or something? Preferably an accredited one?

God Damn. I wish I knew your real name. I would pick up the phone and make a phone call to your teachers at school and your college president. I would insult them for graduating an idiot like you.

Mystical forces. You fucking idiot.

The admitted psychiatric patient Toby knows more about physics than you do, and you claim to be college educated.

The admitted psychiatric patient Toby said “We have kinetic energy”. Pull your head out of your ass, look at that college degree you have, and try to think of kinetic energy and changes to the human body.

Seriously. I am going to hire one of those internet detective places to find out who you are, then I am going to call up your college.

I have money you idiot. If it is cheap enough, I will find out who you are.

Your stupidity knows know bounds.

How is it possible to prove that one person can see an aura, if it is a trained ability that is gained only after training?

You fucking idiot. The only way to prove it is for you to get off your lazy stupid ass, pratice kung fu for 5 or 10 years, then come back and say, “Yes the kung fu training gave me the ability to see auras”.

This forums full of fucking retards thinks that if they don’t get something in 5 seconds, then it can’t be true. Really. You are stupid as a rock, or you are being a jerk

Bullshit. One of you posts this every 3 pages. You say something. I post an answer. The third page comes along, and your memory has evaporated. You say I never said anything, then you post the same question from 3 pages back.

You all don’t have Alzheimer’s or some other memory problem do you? No? You are just being assholes right? Ignoring my replies and posting the same questions every 3 pages.

I understand that America is in big trouble. If you and the other mental defectives in this forums are the young people of America, the country is doomed.