Do Human Beings really have chi or energy?

Lots of the posts I read say there is no such thing as chi or energy. Because they are invisible, it is hard to prove that they exist. Mostly you have to prove they exist by training someone to sense or see them, or you prove they exist by showing their influence on their surroundings.

I can show you guys one way that the word energy is used when talking about people. It is as simple as learning to ride a bike.

One way to talk about energy is to say that people have an energy body. That body is an exact duplicate of the physical body, and should be directly superimposed on the physical body. The energy body does not have to stay exactly on the physical body though. It can move around.

So one way to talk about the energy of a human being, is to talk about whether or not their energy body really is exactly on top of their physical body, or has it moved somewhere else. It is the moved energy bodies that are so easy to see that anyone can do it.

All you have to do is look at a picture of someone and see if they are leaning.Then one way to think of where the energy body would be, is to use the laws of science that say, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”, if a person’s body leans one way, then their energy body should go the other way.

The head of the girl in the picture below is leaning over to one side in the picture, so the head of her energy body needs to be on the other side to offset it. The blue line shows where the head of her energy body is.

That is all there is to talking about this definition of the word energy. You can do this with any picture you can post of any person you can think of. Look to see if their body is leaning, and in the majority of cases, their energy is going the other way.

Why do you care about this definition of energy? Because if you are really a kung fu man, you can use it to size up your opponents. After awhile it will become second nature and you can use it to size up anyone for any reason. Chinese medicine doctors use the ability to treat their patients. Coaches would use the ability to change the training of the student to correct physical imbalances in their body.

(It is not always true that the energy body will go the opposite direction of the physical body. I made that statement above to keep things simple. Sort of like how they tell you math stuff in high school, then when you get to college they tell you that all of that stuff was true, but there are about 500 cases where it is not true, and you have to learn all of them. You could say they lied to you in high school by not telling you about the 500 exceptions, or you could say they were trying to be helpful and make your life easier by telling you what they did.)

If your real head is on your shoulders is your energy head up your ass?

HiThere, you seem to have mistaken this for, so please log on to

“All you have to do is look at a picture of someone and see if they are leaning.Then one way to think of where the energy body would be, is to use the laws of science that say, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”, if a person’s body leans one way, then their energy body should go the other way.”

Newton would be turning in his grave at how you sloppily apply his third law in an attempt to support your claims. Your statement makes no sense, the laws are concerned with matter, forces and acceleration in the ‘observable’ (non-quantum) world.

I challenge you to a fight.

Your chi vs. my elbows.

I agree with HiThere.

I recently watched the film “the Hulk” and it was quite evident that the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training Dr. Bruce Banner partook in taught him proper breathing methods and inner peace in order for him, Dr. Banner, to exact some measure of control over the raging monster within.

If this isn’t a good example of chi, I don’t know what it.

sounds like happeh theory.

Do you understand the difference between hypothesis and fact, Mr. HiThere?
Do you smoke meth, Mr. Hithere?

Is there energy in my body?


Can I use that energy to fly, kill, or go Super Saiyan level Eleventy?



Rickson Gracie … Aikido Instructor

I guess the wrist-grabbing will come in the Director’s Cut?

Holy fucking shit! What happened to logical thinking!!!

Is the first one lidia from beatlegeuse?

So you are saying:

  1. they were training in Aikido?

  2. In the slums of Brazil??

  3. There are face strikes in Aikido?

  4. Aikido is the true grappling art?

  5. It should be BA not BJJ?

  6. Dave is more deadly then we presumed?

This severly throws a crimp in my franchising plans.

This brazilian has a lot of chi:

Hey, I didn’t believe it either when, Anthony posted the original IMDB link thread. So, I sat around through part of the end. I was stunned to see Aikido in the Movie credits.

just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

So Happeh learned how to click the new thread button.

I use my energy body to masturbate Happeh, but unfortunately I can’t seem to teach it to give me a blowjob. Advice?