Do any challenge matches come to fruition?

Do any challenges come to fruition? Because if they don’t I would like to implement an e-Glove Slap, and say “I demand satisfaction” to Osiris, Asia and TaeBo Master. They haven’t done anything to me personally I just don’t like the fact that they’re more popular than me. But if they actually do occur then I take it all back. And maybe I should take Osiris off the list because he’s actually kind off close to me and I don’t want him showing up at my door. And I won’t fight TaeBo Master directly only the girl in his avatar.

So you would fight Asia? I sense another challenge match in the making!

sshhh, dropping the other two and leaving Asia clearly shows ojgsxr6 is retarded… pat on head its OK ojg, we can see you, you’re not alone anymore.

Whoa whoa whoa, isn’t Asia in a foreign country? As long as he’s not willing to travel and I don’t have a passport ,enough money or vacation time to go to Germany, my challenge stands. But if he is willing to travel then I wish him my best and a happy Thanksgiving. Also If I’m not willing to go to Texas to see my brother or Puerto Rico to see my family, I’m not going to Germany to backup hollow words.

Fight Asia. He’s a sissy who thinks he’s sometimes a girl called Selina.

iam german therefore it is true if >I< say that is right.


Here is the thing, UNLESS the challenger is willing to GO to the challengee, its never gonna happen.
AND ANYONE putting up ANY challenge SHOULD be the one to move their ass and put THEIR money were their mouth is.

Well in that case I take umbrage at ken’s shitty use of -rep and challenge him to a brutal match in either;
1)Tai chi pushing hands
2)Judo Randori or
3) Thumb War

I’m more then prepared to fly out and duke it out providing Bullshido will pay for flights, find somewhere for me to stay for a couple of weeks and put a bit in for beer money.

Do you dare accept my challenge?

I cannot possibly imagine whom you might be referencing with this.

You know my brother lives stationed in NY and you could fight him. He’s a smaller version of me but not as nice. Years of constant noogies by his big brother has turned him bitter. (and he boxes and wrestles like his big bro) Or you could fight my sister. She travels alot. But I think you like your testicles. She’s the same size as me and a WAY more vicious. How about it?

Fight Asia. He’s a sissy who thinks he’s sometimes a girl called Selina.


When could this take place? Because I’d probably out of town then. But whenever they’re not around I’m sure is a better time for me. Also I wouldn’t fight anyone who is older than 14yrs old, unless of course they’re in a different time zone.

So your only willing to fight if they aren’t going to show?

I’ll not fight you, you cowardly varmit! I’ll not show up, and then you’ll not be running for the hills, eh?

Your ass is SO not grass!

Is Selina your sister?

What are you trying to say? Are you insulting me? Because if you are your gonna be on the list unless you’re within driving distance of me.

Basically, some do come to fruition. Many don’t.

That is the funniest line I have read today.

This thread is very funny to me.

You suck in the way of trolling.

nice ass raven. a/l? wanna s3xX0r?