Djimbe Flame War here

Asia , by the time the lad can Drink Ill have him LONG off the Offerings Altar . at his weight if he sticks with it he should be surpassing your mass by the time hes 21 .

You see actualy that is where youre Missing tgh point .

What other “crap” ??? ALL of the other “Crap” was ONE statement by TF calling thornton an Idiot , and shit that he and a couple of (IDIOT) posters SAID that I Said so that they colud have something to argue against .

All there is OTHER Than that is a bunch of ppl saying "you See , Its all the time that this happens ? when are all these Times ? There are actualy less than 5 incidents , TOTAL . 3 of wich were LONG ago worked out .

So what is it that I ACTUALLY MAINTAIN that is not to be listened to ? Dont be vague now , YOU brought it up .

Well hell, this shit’s gone on forever it seems…

Look, why not just fight her and be done with it? You guys tape various matches at Throwdowns and such so why not just fight her, tape it and if it gets posted to the site, make sure it’s posted in it’s entirety. Then nobody can bitch about anything or refute it or anything like that. It will all be settled and done. (And hopefully, forgotten about soon after so everyone can move on and shaddap…)

Meh, my 2 cents anyways…

You know, I actually wrote a response to this, but I won’t anymore because it has been covered ad nuseaum and it is IN YOUR SIGNATURE.

And almost NOTHING in my sig is actually accurate .

Well with the exception of me thinking that I could beat a couple opf ppl half my weight in a fight ghasp - and on that note so the fuck what ? Hell , its not even like thornton has any competition record OR even any STUDENTS in the big leagues that do . The rest of whats in my sig is bullshit that Wastrel and Shumagorath made up .

Lets try this again :

Just because some asshole wrote it down somewhere dosent make it true .

As long as you know it yourself, that is the important thing. I have formed my opinion over the last year and a half. It is not open for discussion anymore.

SO … the defense against systema relies on bad canadian jokes (hehe, eh), taking posts too seriously (punk, welcome to bullshido), _ing _un lineage wars (how original, nutrider), djimbe vs. shum flame wars (yawn), and topless pics of emevas (grats, man)? Do we have any video evidence of this working? Should we go ahead and add some Shaolin-Do sparring video requests, Phil Elmore fighting tips, and a discussion about the combat efficacy of taijitsu??

I would think a simpler strategy would be more effective, but I bow down the Bullshido’s collective wisdom on this.

[size=1]pssst… man up[/size]

No , ts NOT a Cop out . Weve ALWAYS had an Open Door Policy for ANYPONE to come and Train with us . MANY ppl have , including some WELL respected Athletes and Coaches from Muay Thai , Western Boxing , and in fact , even BJJ of late .

And djimbe does but out tons of bullshit but some of it is dead on. Thats the biggest problem.
Most the posters here have the courtesy to be correct all the time or full of shit all the time.

Actually , In regards to Training Methodology , schol research or ANY piece of MARTIALLY RELATED advice I challenge you to find a single Innacuracy . Ive been doing this a LONG time . I may not always agre with the Popular Trend , but what I say I KNOW works , and I can SHOW you how to work it . I just cant make you take your fingers out of your ears and stop Humming while I do it . SOME of what I say is foreign to you , and that makes you ASSUME its wrong , Mores the pity for you .

Djimbe is only full of shit 70-80% of the time.

That statement is full of shit .

When he is not arguing with someone about (insert standard argument as it relates to djimbe) I find myself nodding my head when reading his posts, its just that more oft than not he gets engaged with someone and he starts spewing more and more retarded shit and it is hard to take him seriously after that.

So basically when one of the standard Crew isnt spewing the standard lies and im notdefending myself against it …

In OTHER words WHEN WERE ACTUALY TALKING ABOUT MARTIAL ARTS then Im to be listened to ? Because the other 80% of my posts are just me dealing wioth ppl Bashing TF &I over the same 4 things that HAPPENED TWO YEARS AGO .

You see Man , you can formulate your IMAGININGS all you like , but thats not an Opinion .

For you tpo have an opinion on a film you have to SEE the Film . For you to have an Opinion on a meal you have to TASTE a meal .

Until you CAN have an Opinion what you IMAGINE MIGHT be the case is all about shit . And frankly any ADULT would realise that . If I say somethign you disagree with , argue it . but knock off the Personal shit because you havent proven that you can take me . When youre better than me , then you wont NEED the personal attacks , will you ? Nope , because you would win the arguments on their MERITS .


You would if he told you to buy it. . . personally.

Johnny: I don’t think I’m interested in your BBQ Mr. Foreman.

George: BUY MY BBQ muthafucka!!!

Johnny: er…turns white(er)…how much was that again?

Hold up a minute . TF and i are not the same person . She has been training LESS than two years , and I have been doing so longer than 25 . Yeah , shes going to make som NOOB statements , Ive seen you make some yourself .

I remember the 1,100 deadlift and the whole Matt Thorton thing too. Maybe you can fool some of the new people here.

Do you ALSO remember Brad Sauders coming in and saying that they were basically telling lies ? That when they CLAIMED that I came ointo the Seminar tryin to Intimidate and scare ppl and so-called “Brag” that we actually had a Conversation about how Circuit City was Changing the way that it Payed its Employees and so many of them were losing their jobs ? YOu see , THATS what REALLY happend . Not so Dramatic , is it ? And that was ALSO the first time I met Brad , so he has no reason to lie for me . Luis made up the Deadlift thing , as well .

The common denominator in most of them was TF and yourself.

So what ? You not liking my personality dosent make me a dishonourable person . There are PLENTY of ppl I dont like inthis world , I dont resort to Charachter assasination on them .

And Shumagorath and Dochter and Wastrel were also there . Dont stop using the Romper Room Mirror till you call out the WHOLE class . Greese fuels a lot of bullshit too .

I have withheld saying anything about you or to you until now, since I see you haven’t changed since your return.

Imnot going to stop defending myself if attacked , youre damned right . Look at my forst couple of Posts . no one was talking to Shum , HE started this . Scroll back and look .

This is what I think:

I have come to believe you two have some kind of psychological/emotional disorder related to your online personas.

Cute , when you cant prove anything shout “Crazy” when argued with , shout “denial”


Your inability to let go of lies (coupled with your return to bullshido) tells me you are needing acceptence and approval of your training methods and ergo chi fantasies from a website notorious for shooting down crap.

Fucker find ONE referece to me believing in “chi” . You see . THIS is the BULLSHIT that Im TALKING about . You copuldnt back this crap up with a BACKHOE . I know that I have ALWAYS had ANY legit Practitioner to ANY place that I train at , or would reccomend . But just because I train in Chinese systems I MIST be a Chi Head , RIGHT ? Stop leaping to grasp for straws . I DO use heavybags , I DONT Use Handwraps . Ive ALWAYS been about training old school .

This fact,

Conjecture on your part is not fact .

along with a scientific breakdown of your typing style which shows deliberate mistakes, caplitalization, spelling and punctuation errors makes me think you and your wife

The TYping thing is MY PROBLEM , she types no differently than you . NONE of my Errors are intentional unless I do THIS to EMPHASISE a WORD or two . Im fucking dyslexic , and my hands are WAY too big for the keypad . Period

YOu actually working up some fantasy were thius is deliberate is almost scary . Youthink about me WAAAAYY too much/hard .

have constructed a fantasy land of a ‘larger than life’ man whose immense size is actually a hinderance that others should understand and sympathize with.

Whats to Sympathise with ? This isnt the Clothes Shopping Forum , I can kick your ass based on size alone and this is an MA forum ! In FACT , its FUNY that you think that I NEED “Chi Fantasies” because if ANYONE knows when a tech works its a guy TWICE your weight . So to get ME as a student your “Kung Fu” better be IMPRESSIVE .

Of course your wife has overcome this by her intense training and superior methods, regardless of her weight problems.

Actually , shes just a type A personality . I dont think that shes Prepared to beat up everyone on bullshido , but SHUM she would hand his guts to . And she trains LIKE she trains because she TRIED to look a certain way , and she Ramped up the Workload until its where it is now . it was actualy her FAILURE that lead her to her success . I cant do her daily workout , either .

In my opinion, this has made you a McDojo/Bullshido victim in that you attend a school which will cuddle your bruised self-esteem by encouraging this type of thinking.

Well then why is it that everyone that attends my School writes Ipressive reports on it or actually ecomes a convert if they live in the area ? We have Muay Thai champs visiting and Wrestlers converting , all giving GREAT reviews , but the schol is there to “coddle” me ? You thinking your school is better than mine ? Dont jump to THAT conclusion . I did my research snd found out who was the BEST , and now I pay to see the best when I can . You REALLY need to book a visit b4 you talk about him , youre WAY out of line here , Jack .

At one point, I almost believed the things you typed, but the lies were just too much.

You have YET to point out a single lie .

Sorry to interrupt the flame war but…a lot of great trainers are out of shape fat bastards. I’ve never seen Tigerfly’s pic so I I’m not commenting on that.

Just pointing out that there’s no real inherent link between good training advice and good fitness. Cus D’amato anyone?

p.s. Djimbe, your inbox is full.


Can Bobby Knight dunk a Basketball , can that Romanian guy (Nadias Coach) do a Backflip ? Nope . MOST coaches are out of shape , frankly . Just means that they arent Competing rightnow .

Oh , and Ill say it aGAIN : Rulon Gardener , Tank Abbbot .

p.s. Djimbe, your inbox is full.

Omar :


Just so you know though, these days it’s better to type your email in a way that spambots can’t copy it properly. Like obelove@y or intead of ‘@’ some people these days type [at].

Just a suggestion.

actually , thats My Spammail account , Im going to give you my real one when I reply to you !

Whine whine nag nag…

Where’s the nude pics of Omega’s not sister?

Ah but the majority of coaches DID comepete in their chosen event at one time. Cus D’amato WAS a fighter. Bobby Knighte PLAYED basketball. Now If TF was a Mrs Fitness model then your example would be valid but if not then you can’t you D’amato to support your case!

I can understand why pple are aprehensive of TF and her advice. Would you go to a mechanic whose car is always brokedown? Would you go to a barber with a bad haircut? Now if TF was at a heaveir weight and is slimming down then she may have some validity if she can show her progress. If not then one would have to wonder why is such a person despensing advice. I look at it from an NCO point of veiw, I can’t chew someone out if I am not right myself. Therefore I wouldn’t give advice on fixing an issue if I haven’t already fixed my own issue.

Canadians suck. :wave:



Sorry brother , we usually tend to agree , but youre using VERY FAULTY “Logic” HERE !!!

Its this simple :

Tigerfly’s advice is Performance Based .

She does NOT give out BBing or Modeling Routines . She tells people how to boost their Endurance/Strength to participate Functionally in MA . SHE CAN GO for 3+ hours/training sessions , and do any maneuvre that you can do , spo how is anything she saying untrue ? Her cardio is PROBABLY better than yours . Its better than ANY of the Certified Fitness Pretties at my gym , certainly .

Look at Mark Hunt . Another fat boy that refuses to Gas .

So asia , you gp and show me where TF has advertised that you wil look like a Supermodel , and not just be Immensly better at MA with her advice , and Ill agree with you . but until then youre WRONG ! SHE got better using these Methods , DESPITE what her weight might have been , and you can too .