Djimbe Flame War here

I said I was a retired pro fighter to let you know I was not just a kid. Since you obviously are a complete and utter moron with less education than my 3 year old this conversation is finally done. I’ve not said anything against your dumbass Systema and my Canadian jokes have been going on for years. You don’t even know your countries true history. So until you get a clue I suggest you shut the fuck up.

funny arent you, but on a serious matter, there are a few vids of me on Toronto throwdowns you can dl, nothign serious but enough to say that i can take care of myself.
Either way, there are members on this forum who have seen me and sparred with me, who can vouch that I dont bs.
But this isnt a popularity contest, I dont like people trashing Canada for no good reason, dont give a crap who it is, mod or no mod.

I have more education than your entire family tree put together. Your Canadian jokes are as idiotic as your existance. And yes, this conversation is over. I have other things to do than to carry on a useless conversation with someone who has an IQ of a mule.

Well, I guess I should say a few words in my defence.

First of all, I do spar and engage in all those other sweaty pursuits. However, due to the nature of my school, I don’t get a chance to do it that often. I would wager that Shuma has had more mat time in the past 10 months than I have in the past couple of years. Am I happy with that? No. Why do I stick with it then? I have my reasons, but I can say that the tide is turning, and that we’re getting some more people in that want to train seriously – There have been some changes at my school over the past few months and I believe that there will be more to come.

You have to remember that TCC is split down the middle between health and martial (or is at least supposed to be). That means we spend a lot of time on things like form work and meditation. Just in case it needs to be said again, I’ll say it: Tai chi is not what you take when you want to get up and fighting as soon as possible. There have been several occasions where I have recommended BJJ, boxing or MT to people with that specific goal. Obviously, I believe that TCC has something to offer in the long-term, but that’s simply my opinion.

What else stopped me from doing well? I’m just not that aggressive; I guess I’ll have to learn to overcome that if I’m ever going to be a proficient fighter.

Several weeks of training? Aside from the fact that I’d recently started trying to do bag work, I did some extra drilling in one class and had some more experienced friends put me through the paces one afternoon – both in tthe week leading up to the match. That and I started wearing a heart-shaped locket with a picture of Kimura inside. Nothing special. And I certainly don’t have a population of professional fighters to draw expertise from.

Finally, I don’t consider my performance to be any more representative of TCC than Shuma’s was of BJJ. Both of us have so much work to do that it’s not even funny. Why people would get hung up defending or attacking either of our performances when that fact is so blatantly obvious is beyond me.

Kid you take life way too seriously. Unless you have something to contribute I suggest you shut up. I originally thought you were doing the light banter that I do with other Canadians but you’re serious. Then you basically call me a liar. See the same can be said about me yet I’ve not called you a liar. Now you decide you want to take it to a personal level. You think you’re important why? You’re not, you’ve derailed this thread for no reason except for misplaced nationalism. Get a life and grow up.

blablablablah from the guy that got UT on his ack in the foirst place - in a REL fight he would have finished you with his Timberlands you dolt . Thats WHY he didnt “Come Down” or give a shit abourt doing anythign from Side control . Life aint the UFC , and your Ribs and Skull would get Kicked in from that position . But Ill tr not to stress your litle Twink-boy head about the detaiils of real training . You ust flop to the ground like that some more .

Is that the CMA name for open guard?

Nope , my name for you fanning at air lie a kitten when KDP rolled his shoulder at you , slappy . Stop tryoing to sound “cool” now . Dont act like you have any technique , either .

Obsess much?

Says the guy with a pic of my wife in his sig …

Who WOULD hand you your pansy ass , by the by …


Let me say this in a way that you will comprehend …


AKA : you suck . You work the heavybag like youre going the Running Man and the Cbbage Patch at the same time ! Do you Train in Cross Colors ? 1993 wants its dances back .

I will consider the invite to go to The Brass Rail – I usually make it to The Sports Bar…down from the Red Lobster on Younge St. - you know where I am talking about.

When I make it to Toronto - its usually focused on…other matters.
Might move there in about 2 years though, when I retire from my job.
(continued thread drift)

IQ of a mule? I can read, I have a sense of humor, you are nothing but a little whiner.

Omega doesn’t need my noob ass sticking up for him.

Not trying to be funny. You won’t take him at his word. Yet, you put your qualifications and expect us to afford you the exact opposite of what you are giving Omega. That sir is hyopcritical.

YOU called his record fradulent you called him a kid. He insulted Canada you insulted the US. You made with the threats and calling his record BS. I never said you couldn’t fight.

Kid needs a bit cooling off period. I banned him for 24 hours. He takes this internet stuff way too seriously.

Yeah. That is why I lurked for so long. You guys no how to push the right buttons. I learned that you have to cross train because of this site. Still love TMA but if your art doesn’t have a ground game you better get one.

You know the funny thing is until he called me a liar I thought he was kinda funny. Didn’t realize he was taking the posts so seriously. He does SAMBO I do SAMBO, He’s Canadian half my family’s Canadian. We actually had a bit in common. He’s been part of this site for a while it’s just suprising he’d act like that.

Monkey I dont have anythiing to say to you one way or another , brother , and Ive never been to your school , I dint know who your Instructor is , I dond know your Time in aside from what you now just said , and I cant even therefore be informed enough to have an Opinion .

Bit Shuma is another story altogether . That little Bitch has been making personal attacks based on appearance , and talking shit to people whos Gym Bag he couldnt hoist . Hes only been TRAINING for 9 months , but hes been on this site talking shit about Martial Arts for 2 years - in that time setting his know-NOTHING ass up as some kind of arbiter/judge of skill . What the fuck does that tell you ? That he operates on Hearsay and piss-poor conjecture only .

That last paragraph could also describe Pizdoff.

Some people take their styles waaaaay to seriously. Shit I know I did. So systema had three threads before being combined and is a hot topic. Then you mix in patriotism people become stupid. Even people that know better.

I know I said it before but it bears Repeating … :headbang: :icon_rr:

Hes personally attacked my wife NEUMEROUS times based on her LOOKS (when did this become as opposed to being a MAN and challenging her to a fight or whatever at a throwdown (wherein she would hammer him in ANY MMA ruleset) If he thought his way was better . Why didnt he ? Because he was CERTAINMLY not speaking from Exp .

oh oh oh , and HAPKO3 ! Let us not forget HAPKO3 ! The guy that told a guy with 15 years Exp (not me) that he was NOTHING if he didnt “Speak MMA” , but looks like an ATA yellowbelt in Sparring ?

Aw, fuck. The banlist isn’t working right now but I hope you guy’s didn’t can SubTerran permanently. He’s a good friend of mine and is one of the few reasons I avoid hating on Systema given the stuff posted here.

Data <=> Analysis

Yeah… I’m going to take time away from my academics and training to fight a woman who outweighs me by at least 100lbs and stinks of the buffets. You see, her appearance is directly related to the credibility I, or any sane person, should lend to her fitness advice. That, and her best press comes from a delusional halfwit and compulsive liar.

Yeah, that’s exactly why open guard still works in venues that allow stomps (your unsubstantiated “OMG STR33T OMG!” included). Try again, mongo.

Do you even train? Because testimony from the last time you were outted says you aren’t even a consistent student of David Chan like you claim.

Yeah, that’s exactly why open guard still works in venues that allow stomps (your unsubstantiated “OMG STR33T OMG!” included). Try again, mongo.