Data driven approach to COVID19 vaccination for kids, and adults

Nice red herring but you still refuse to explain why low covid numbers mean no vaccination is needed in children, but low polio numbers don’t mean no vaccination in children

I did not haze Rillion.
I pointed out when Rillion posted bullshit.
And Rillion had a very high rate of posting bullshit.

He’s saying children have a different risk profile. Children are at very high risk from polio (infection + impact of infection), so vaccination in children is recommended. Adults are less likely to be infected and illness is less sever, so it’s advisable to get it based on the conditions he stated (travel, etc.) because these conditions would increase your risk profile.

Children are at very low risk of covid, so should we jab children. Unlike the polio vaccine which has long term immunity, covid immunity against infection is low. So maybe we should vaccinate when spread is high to reduce transmission during those peaks, but should we be doing it just to do it.

The treatment should be applied to maximize the benefit of the treatment using a data driven approach by having the appropriate signals in place.

That is how i understand his point.


See @ZxC32461346 's post below, where he restates the advisements I have given fairly well.

In the first place, you are a stupid jack ass, and ungrateful.

I just taught you something that you clearly did not know about Polio protocols, and vaccine protocols more generally,

And I supplied evidence for same, because I am a giver.

So your claim, that I do not supply evidence is wrong, and false.

I provide evidence, including external evidence, logical proofs, mathematical proofs, and in the areas where I have credentialed expertise, which are several, from my own authority.

With you and Greg particularly, in some cases, I will not always provide external evidence.

Because in many cases:

  1. You and Greg often make stupid troll posts, and no one should do as a stupid troll asks in most cases, because that would be like rewarding the dog with a treat for shitting on the rug,

  2. You sometimes ask for people to post evidence for issues that are public knowledge, public domain matters, and one does not need to post evidence when one mentions the sky is blue type matters.

  3. You post links without criticizing them, or addressing their limits, which is wrong, if you claim those links are evidence.
    A scumbag trial lawyer might do that, because court rooms are about such theatrical deceptions, but scientists are definitely NOT supposed to do that.

  4. In many cases, you can find evidence for or against or about a topic yourself.
    And I want the people I teach, or am teaching to do such research themselves.
    If they couldn’t get to an article because of a paywall, or had zero chance of understanding what to look for, themselves,
    then I might help them out, because I am generous that way, but help them out too much, and they become a little helpless, and worthless, like you.

Adults should also consider their proximity to immuno compromised and young infants. Because most adults might not be at risk of complications but they sure as hell can pass it on to people who are.

VDPV is extremely rare I believe. There is a series of unfortunate events the had to happen for that child to get sick and become paralyzed but unfortunately it happened.

It is common and expected to occur with the Sabine polio vaccine, if the vaccine recipients do not quarantine for a while after getting vaccinated, which is still widely used in poorer areas, rather than the Salk vaccine, which requires refrigeration.

Specifically, people who receive the Sabine polio vaccine, can and do become infectious to others for a short time period, meaning they can infect others with Polio derived from the Sabine vaccine they were administered.

Teach a man to fish…

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How are you defining common?

According to the WHO

A global update on circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) outbreaks and events is summarized below, as of February 2021.

In 2020, 959 human cases of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) and 411 cVDPV2-positive environmental samples were reported globally from 27 countries, of which 21 countries were from the African Region and six countries from reported from the regions of the Eastern Mediterranean, Europe and the Western Pacific. The number of cVDPV cases and environmental samples increased in 2020 compared to 2019 when 366 cVDPV2 cases and 173 cVDPV2-positive environmental samples were reported.

That’s a thousand cases per how many million vaccinations?

The global campaign to eradicate polio seems to have been very successful against the wild virus. In large part due to the success of the oral vaccine. Now you can probably due the risk analysis but if the oral vaccine is more a liability now then a benefit I hope we can get some reliable refrigeration to these poorer areas and finish the job.

People being vaccinated with the Sabine vaccine is still a common occurrence in many parts of the world, that cannot afford the refrigeration necessary for the Salk vaccine.

Nearly 100% of the people vaccinated with the Sabine vaccine become infected with Polio, however, it is a weakened Polio virus, producing a weakened infection condition, and a more rapid antibody response, and less or no detectable long term / permanent damage from the Polio infection.

The tricky part is, while the weakened Polio infection is going through their bodies, they are infectious.

And, there is the possibility that while infectious, the weakened Polio virus can still mutate back into a more pathogenic strain, which it sometimes does.

This is not to say, that when one does not have access to the Salk vaccine, that one should not vaccinate children with the Sabine vaccine.

However, details matter, and some precautionary quarantine during the potential infectious window, following Sabine infection is prudent.

It is noteworthy that there are more reported cases of Sabine derived Polio infections (that became noticeable Polio infections) every year, than noticeable wild Polio infections every year, nowadays.

And, the poorest areas, where the Sabine vaccines are most widely used, also have the poorest, and often most data gapped medical reporting systems.

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Spoken like a true cyber bully

Do you feel cyber-bullied?
Merely because I point out, where you spread misinformation, or where you post errors of fact, or where you misunderstand basic science?


You bully and haze new posters

That might have been de rigueur on the old site where there was plenty of cannon fodder for the likes of you and wabbit, but it is counter productive here where, we can count the number of regular posters on both hands

You are not a new poster, and I correct or point out when you make misinformation posts, or when Greg does, in about the same frequency as Rillion.
You and Rillion make misinformation or incorrect posts, in very high percentages.
Greg is not far behind you two.
This is not bullying, nor hazing.
Your false accusations at this point, because you cannot defend your often incorrect posts, are pathetic.

More deflection and misdirection

I can site two new posters you have bullied off the site.

I have stated already I don’t feel bullied by your posts.

You come off as a supercilious nob end to me

Though the slam poetry is quite entertaining

Thank you.
I am sometimes entertained myself, when I read it the next morning.
Although a lot of it is rubbish.
But, I do think pub poetry, and pub singing, is entertaining.

The number of people who claim they have left the site because of me, is higher than two, and includes some prior mods.
However, that is not the same as me “bullying them”.
If an Aikidoka, or Chi magic or religious extremist, or social narrative extremist, or pseudo science person comes on the site, and makes those kinds of magic water claims, I rebutt.
And I do so civilly,
until they have made 1 to 3 rude personal comments towards me in reply, or until they violate social rules of engagement in some other way (go after someone’s kids or spouse, etc),
and then I dust off my heel act persona,
from being involved in professional grappling promotions for 30 years.
I can play a heel, better than most.
But, I only do so, when counter parties, have tried to play a heel themselves, usually a few times.
And, the fact that I am a trained scientist, means I can usually also point out where they are being stupid, or ignorant, along the way, if science or math or research methods are being discussed.
Everybody gets to choose what hand they get from me,
I have gentle civility in the one, and the ability to be a heel, and someone who was in the professional grappling business for decades, in the other.

Just stop, man.

Open you mind and try to learn something.

Do it, then.

I already have