DA ROCK N ROLL guard pass! YEHAAW!

This sounds like a pass relying on discomfort, or “bitch passes”. Anyone else have any experiences with it?

That is something I do to annoying people to let them know they’re annoying. It’s a bitch move that will NOT work on anyone who doesn’t suck bowling balls through straws.

It’s not a guard pass, it’s a “I lack the skill to pass the guard, so I’m gonna annoy the shit out of my opponent while I set myself up to get omoplata’ed while I fantasize about how awesome this is making me” sort of move.

stopped reading

gimmicks are only fun if they don’t put you in a spot where a 2 month whitey will own you.

Umm, even with your head buried in the guys chest, if you stick both your hands under his body aren’t you just going to get lapel choked to shit?

Or omoplataed, or triangled, or armbarred, or about 6 million other bad things that you can set up on someone that pulls this crap.

Yeah, this is the kindof thing that would make Shinya Aoki cum smoking craters in his rainbow tights.

I will indeed get out the rocks, because this thread is being sentenced to death by stoning.

All in favour of this thead being renamed “Bullshido, I’m gonna tell you somethin’ about me that you might not know…”…?