How can i show the bulshido faithful that you are all cowardly pussies if you keep putting my posts down in trollshido. none of you have the knowledge to debate me or the skill to fight me.
You haven’t read a single post anyone has written you .
If so , you seriously need to work on your reading comprehension .
You know, I think if we replaced all of dupisha’s posts with those two sentences, it might actually be more effective in getting the message across than moving this retard to trollshido every time.
oh, you mean the backing down after i accept a challenge post. or the one armed joke posts. or the we don’t take you seriously because noone can stand up to us post.?
which one did i not read?
actually, small penis, istead of finding ways to hide me, why not find someone in sydney who won’t run away from me so i can show you that i am good enough to be taken seriously. i don’t like talk, it achieves nothing in the way of displaying martial arts ability. do you have no one who can showe me my ass.?
<using dupisha’s logic>
Come to the States, then.
Oh, what? Too expensive, right?
</using dupisha’s logic>
Yeah, you obviously didn’t read a damn thing aside from the insults. (Granted, insults became 90% of the posts, but you really do deserve them. Really.)
next lesson:
Start your threads in Your Martial Arts Sucks forum and they’ll be less likely to be moved. The throwdown forum is for arranging and discussing throwdowns, which are more designed to be learning experiences rather than challenges. I was going to say that this too will be moved to trollshido, but it already has.
What’s the point of challenging people on other continents dupisha? Hell, I’d gladly go a few rounds with you in a friendly manner, but I won’t be in Sydney anytime soon. So tell me, what is the purpose of these threads?
These guys will continue to wind you up because they know they can. Stop responding to the trolling and they’ll lose interest.
I have no idea why I’ve chosen to be civil to you. Half of the time, I’m a bigger prick than the others.
If you’re getting worked up over a bunch of nonsense on the internet, I can assure you, you’re playing into their hands. Don’t let us elevate your blood pressure. It’s the fucking internet for christssakes.
How the fuck do you spell christssakes?
You know, there are more civil ways to ask that; I’ll even make you a template.
Title: Throwdown in Sydney?
Hi, I’d like to organize a throwdown for any members in Sydney. Please email me at (your email here), if you are interested.
And, I’m particularly interested in having grapplers come so that I can see if my takedown defense works. You see, I am missing an arm, and I also an a CMA practitioner, so I would like to learn as much as I can about staying on my feet.
Looking forward to hearing from everybody.
I got all your points across without a single insult. New personal best for me, really.
You know, even if I was sure I was right about something in a particular topic, and people who may not know everything, but was more knowledgable than I was in that subject all told me I was wrong; I might not jump to switching my opinion, but I would at least consider listening to them before it turns into flaming, as it usually does.
I’m just saying… this could all have been avoided, if you were really the even headed nice guy you proclaimed yourself to be online. Instead, just a really nasty, easy target came to be.
i would like to thank jnp for being civil.
i actually spent an hour on the phone last night with a mate saying the same thing as you.
and gunboy
thats the first time you posted anything intelligent. but the curse is still coming, ur insults sting me bad. i have severe depression, i would be suicidal if i wasn’t so dam eager to hurt you.
i will use your template.
and jnp, i tried to specify that i would like a sydney guy to challenge but it seems you have nobody here. and born sceptic, using the good name of boxingworks, is not serious contender.
I never thought I’d call bullshido on you.
Bullshido sir Bullshido.
ok, posted in throwdowns, the civil way.
i have arranged to work out with mma guys tommorrow night and wrestlers on saturday. i will post videos in “your martial art sucks” with the hope of engaging in debate about technique.
i still think you guys aren’t serious. no bs - seems like all bs to me. but we’ll see.
oh, those meetups i arranged weren’t from bulshido, are you kidding. not a set of balls here.
so the guy that quickly, politely, answered your post is “not serious” enough for you?
come on, dude.
You’re conveniently ignoring all the people posting constructive or positive things to you, and acting like we are a unified body and the people being meanest to you are all the responses you’re getting.
It isn’t so.
Why must you make such broad statements about the entire populous of Bullshido? I have been nothing if not cordial towards you. So has jnp. There are several of us here who would gladly accept your challenge or spar with you or whatever, but the long distance makes it nearly impossible to pull off.
Oh for Christ’s sake.
Do you really have only one arm? I would fight you, but you missed me by thirteen years. That’s the last time I was in Sydney. You’re welcome to come to Canada, I love fighting new people with techniques I haven’t seen.
This thread isn’t nearly as amusing as the others hence = FAILED.