Chi Kung vs. Chi vs crane50.whatever(Ghetto,Censorship) is my style field

Here’s a site w/ a lot of positive & negative observations about Sanda.

  1. That book about CMA training manuals is actually pretty good from what I could tell. I read it after the author posted here telling people how cool it was. It seems well referenced and is definitely in the Bully spirit. Worth the money in my opinion.

  2. That website that Troy sited is full of shit. Muay Thai is diluted just as much as Sanda is.

The weird part is one minute he loves Kung Fu, but the next minute he hates it. One minute he loves Muay Thai, the next minute he thinks it’s over rated.

Maybe because he’s giving his honest opinion, and has no arbitrary loyalties?

I was also quite amused by the fact that he has competed in amateur muay thai, but believes in chi and teh d34dly at the same time. Guess he can’t let go of it that easily.

Although, I must say that I was very dissapointed by the photos of the first MT vs. CMA matches. I seriously hope the chinese guys weren’t considered good fighters.

Or maybe because he is psychotic and can’t even make up his mind for long enough to write an article. I’m tired of the bitching and moaning.

Exactly. I mean once you train muay thai, you see that there’s no mysticism or tricks about the fighting. Kick real hard with shin. Ouch. It’s hard to go back to chi kung after that.

He goes back and forth so much it’s like Johnny Depp and John Turturro were writing the articles.

Chi Kung is not a martial arts form.

Wow, may I ask what this means? Seriously, you can train Chi Kung and MT at the same time.

Must be even weirder when you find MT guys practicing Chi Kung.

It means he’s the r34l CMA troll.

No Shadow Kick ! ! !

I did chi kung while way back when I did MT. No, seriously.

No, I don’t mean that chi kung is a martial art. I mean to go back to Five-Point Palm Exploding Heart Techniques after straight up sparring.

This is not YMAS. You made a misinformed statement and continue not to address your mistake.

First and only warning. Either answer the question with out jokes or lose access to posting privileges in here.

What joke? I don’t believe that chi kung is a martial art. I also don’t believe in Five-Point Palm Exploding Heart Techniques. How is that a joke?

He thought that I was saying that chi kung is a martial art. I was not. I was saying that MT is very straight forward. You hit someone very hard to the head and you can possibly knock them unconcious. This has nothing to do with chi.

Quote - "There are 24 acu-points in your centerline, where the heart meridian lies, carrying 气 ‘chi’ that sustains your being & your technique to your 丹田 ‘Dan-tian’ or chi center. "

I don’t believe in chi. I believe if you punch some areas on the centerline like the throat, you can hurt them. I don’t believe that striking someone’s throat has any effect on their chi. How is that a Joke?

Whether or not I believe in chi, the site is interesting because it has a lot of different articles comparing MT and Sanda. I don’t have to agree w/ everything he writes in his articles. But it’s one of the few that has detailed opinions about MT vs Sanda on the same website. I can’t think of any writers whose works are considered universally as true.


Here is your

Exactly. I mean once you train muay thai, you see that there’s no mysticism or tricks about the fighting. Kick real hard with shin. Ouch. It’s hard to go back to chi kung after that.

Now when asked by three people what you meant we get these responses:

No Shadow Kick ! ! !
Movie -Fu even if it is a real technique.

No, I don’t mean that chi kung is a martial art. I mean to go back to Five-Point Palm Exploding Heart Techniques after straight up sparring.
Movie-Fu reference again.

Now you say this:

I don’t believe in chi. I believe if you punch some areas on the centerline like the throat, you can hurt them. I don’t believe that striking someone’s throat has any effect on their chi.

Now, I said in my post, you were misinformed. Now it is quite telling IMO that you keep addressing the “Joke” statement I made.

We already said that website is shit. Why do you keep posting it here to make a point?

You are addressing two different things concerning Chi right now.

Chi isn’t bullshit until you add the mysticism. Chi Kung isn’t bullshit unless, you add the mysticism. You are mixing two things together and making a misinformed statement.

No, I was making a response to the Lei Tai knock out video clip. The guy knocked his opponent w/ a kick to the head, and I responded, “No Shadow Kick!” That is not an answer to anyones question.

Chi isn’t bullshit until you add the mysticism…

That is exactly what I am talking about. There is no magic in a MT fight. There is no magic in a Sanda fight. When he talks about serious points about the development of MT in Thailand and Sanda in China, I can go along w/ it. When he starts talking about chi and meridian points, I get sceptical. Is it really “misinformed” to not believe in chi? No. You can look at a writers body of work and decide for yourself what areas make sense to you. You don’t have to follow along with everything he writes.

Now what the hell does this have to do with this quote?

Exactly. I mean once you train muay thai, you see that there’s no mysticism or tricks about the fighting. Kick real hard with shin. Ouch. It’s hard to go back to chi kung after that.

He goes back and forth so much it’s like Johnny Depp and John Turturro were writing the articles.

You were asked about MT and Chi kung. You then said no I meant 5 point exploding palm garbage.

Do you know the difference between chi and chi kung? Right now everything you type shows you are misinformed about your statement.

Now, if you want to discuss the crane website start another thread.