I have wondered if anybody can recommend a brand, or if single or double weave is the way to go? On the issue of color i keep thinking white will never look clean again after about a month, and I can only assume a white belt showing up for his first class ever in a black gi is asking for a butt kicking. I’ll need to know this before I start training (after a get a job and can pay for it).
Sleeveless gus are corny as fuck. Maybe if you’re doing full contact karate with takedowns its acceptable, for every day class? Lame.
In that case, you should give that school a call and see if they have any deals or sponsorships. If they’re like most schools, you’ll probably get a good gi for 20-30% off what they would charge you to order it, and you’ll probably save on shipping to boot.
my instructor has a bitch of a time getting anything on time from rio fight wear, last order it took him 3 months to get, and he got a lot of bullshit too, first they needed to get more fabric thn they were seized in customs and finally after his order was was in customs for like 2 weeks the guy tells him sorry and he’ll ship the stuff express overnight, maybe this was just a one time deal but he won’t from them anymore
Sorry for the delay… it seems there are a lot of references using the non-word “gi”. Perhaps Helio invented the word when he created BJJ from scratch? In any case, we are diligently changing our vocabulary.
Not the fault of BJJ (which, surely, is an oxymoron?); the term has been around much longer than that. I have not been able to trace its roots, but have found similar incorrect use as far back as the 1930s.
Any help in tracing the etymology would be welcome.
How long does a “term” have to be used before it becomes a “word”? If 75 years is not enough, can we remove “shizzle” and “bling” also? If 75 years is enough, will you shut up and quit preaching t3h real Japanese?
I have started a thread on Wikipedia on this, unfortunately, Chris Radford has started threatening the site’s admins with death by Japanese water tortue if they do not remove the offensive pages.
So that I can better facilitate this rather massive Find/Replace operation, can you give the rules on how to properly Americanize the Japanese language and how separate symbols for noun/adjectives?
Thank you for the info
Have you ever reread one of your longer posts? I have to hold my hand up to prevent strobe woozy blech fuck it… and skip on to the next post. And don’t tell me it’s intentional in my case. And actually now that I’m quoting it I can read the damn thing without pain.
I’ve bought my last gis at
Hawaii Martial Arts Supply
1041 Maunakea St
Honolulu, HI 96817-5130
and what was it, K C Martial Arts Supplies on Hekaha, or the one in Pearl City? Horaitiohoohah took me to? Anyhow the guys I workout with like my heavy tops cause they’re easier to grab for throws and I wonder about that, having noted the comment above about just that, grabbability.
Seriously though, have you ever tried to read one of your own longer posts?
But, but, but, but, but, but, I like your posts. It’s only the big face that makes me dizzy when it flashes…
EVERYBODY gets their ass handed to them when they start - its hardly a reason to quit.
My Machado is fairly clean. Just has the M on both arms.
We need a contest to find a picture of the most patched-up gi.
Not dissing sponsorship, I just get a laugh out of gis that look like they could be raced in NASCAR.
LOL. Yeah, all them favela kids just happen upon all those discarded corporate logos with which to do repairs.
I’ve never personaly seen a BJJ gi up close (just on TV), but I know Judo Gi’s are made to be extremely durable.
My Dad’s Judo Gi is at least twice as thick, and twice the weight of the average TKD/Karate Gi. It also has a super reinforced collar for grabs/throws/whatever. it’s awesome.
I went shopping for Gi stuff one day and found a place that sold me a pair of rather nice TKD pants for $40. They are 100% cotton, but really thin. I’ve already ripped them a couple of times just wearing them. The judo GI though, also 100% cotton but like i said ‘extremely durable’, was $150 complete.
Maybe we should offer our own Gis here.
If you can come up with something tasteful and high quality that isn’t cost-prohibitive, I’d consider it.
Somehow I suspect you are joking, though.
Not joking, I can get gold weave gis that are completely bare for a reasonable wholesale price.